Originally posted by MLLASH:
No Povvy, be AB!

I'm hoping one of you big, strong, smart net-savvy guys will send Rob an Infectious Lass or M-E Lad avatar I can use...

*bats eyes seductively*

Beardo!!!! Good to see you, scruffy!

And if TD doesn't unlurk and snag the TRIAD avatar, I'm gonna have to DESTROY THE PLANET!!!!

Lashie, all you had to do was bat your eyes. [humina humina]

I've got a Drura and a Tenzil (Sprouse with sunglasses) ready to send to Rob. I've also got an Invisible Kid II, 2 versions of Calamity King for Eryk, Night Girl and a Jo for Matt (not an Olivier as I couldn't find one). I was hoping to find one of Arms Fall Off Boy but Splitter was the only image I could find. Anyone know off hand what issue(s) he may have appeared in?

And while I'm at it, any other requests? I'd like to get a few more before I send them off to Rob.