Cute 'smilies;, TD. Nightcrawler did an outstanding job with these, didn't he? How do you incorporate them into your posts?

I tried copy and paste, but that didn't work. Though it did for placing the smiley in an unsent e-mail.

Anyway, back to Drura...

... it occured to me that there's a fine old Legion name that's currently going unused and which could be given to Drura.

First, imagine how Drura would be viewed by criminals, etc. With fear and loathing, I'd bet.
Secondly, imagine how the use of her powers would appear to those who 'suffer' from them. Like magic, I'd say.

Since the former bearer shows no signs of ever using their preboot heroic name, and in fact her current characterization would seem to have moved beyond the need to be a superhero, I think the name 'WHITE WITCH' is one which could be used for Drura effectively.

If there was any chance that Lady Mysa would use the title, I'd withdraw the thought immediately. When last we saw her, she didn't seem at all likely to take up 'heroing'.

Along with her new name, I'd love to see Drura introduced in conjunction with furthering the story of the Black Hole and Jacques Focqart (he and Drura are almost inseparable in my mind now).

Oh- and I think the swirly effect from her first costume should now be her power signature.

I really liked her in yellow, as in the 5YL stories.