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Ideally, I'd like to draft a fellow LMBer.
DEAN LEE might enjoy drawing some sexy shots of Calorie Queen, Night Girl, Policy Pam, Saturn Queen etc. but with his recent bad experience, I doubt he will do it with no cash up front.
FREEKINOS would be amazing... but he has apparently vanished.
BEVIS has a flair to his work that I love... but I doubt he's familiar with these characters...
CRUJECTRA's work is taking on an Alan Davis quality... and some of these nutty scenes might be right up her artistic alley... but I doubt she is interested...
HEY! Hows 'bout.. KEITH GIFFEN, with Chris Sprouse on fill-ins! If we get THEM aboard, Levitz may give us the green-light...!
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Curt Swan. Accept no substitutes. Except, you know, the Substitutes.
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Well, Miss Editor. If you want to hire Curt Swan, I guess it YOUR choice...
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TD, we need someone ALIVE to draw the series. EDITOR OVERRULED!
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I KNOW Curt Swan died, I read the tribute issue!
And I had thought you lads wouldn't dsicriminate against the mortally impaired, but I guess not. You bastards!
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That was a good issue. A wonderful tribute.
As for the mortally impaired: "Like a good neighbor, Eternal Damnation is always there..."
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Whoever writes a Matter-Eater Lad series, I'd love to eat his words.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I too would like to see a ME Lad series or at least see him back in the current Legion. BTW I did an illustrated story a long time ago with Tenz (along with Chuck, Nura, & Condo) for APA-LSH that was much fun. If you need a page or two of emergency art I would be happy to contribute.
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Okay, we can make M-E Man the fill-in artist, so whenever Curt Swan needs a break, he can take over!
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Which will be every issue.
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MILESTONE! ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
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quote: Originally posted by MLLASH: Which will be every issue.
Shhh... we aren't supposed to mention that while we are still in contract negotiations!
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Page 4 (follows full-page splash of Tenzil at home in kitchen cooking):
Panel 1: Mom! I can't find the seasoned rusty screws! I asked you to pick some up at the Grocery-a-Tron!
Panel 2: (from bedroom, lying down looking all sickly) Oh, Tenzil! You KNOW how nervous I am! I can't possibly be expected to do EVERYTHING around here!!
Panel 3: Uh, Mom, *I* do all the cooking and cleaning.
Panel 4: (Dad & Renkil enter kitchen) LAY OFF yer Ma, brat! Why can't you be more like yer brother Renkil? (Renkil has shit-eating grin) Ever since the LEGION disbanded, you've been mooching off us!
Panel 5: Uh, Dad, you guys got 90% of every check I made as Legion chef. And I'm the only one under this roof who has a job now!
Panel 6: Don't sass-talk me, Son! You ain't got so big that I can't bend you over my knee for a bare-assed whippin'!!!
Panel 7: (Tenzil, to self) Yeah, you'd like that, you Silverale freak!
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Page 5
Panel 1: And take off them dad-blasted fruity lookin' SUNGLASSES, boy! You ain't no Bismollywood Star!
Panel 2: Shut UP, Dad!
Panel 3: Thassit! When you're under MY ROOF, you don't DISRESPECT me, boy! (unbuckles belt) Now drop them pants, it's whippin'-time!
Panel 4: **knock on door**
Panel 5: (Tenzil) Well, geez, don't EVERYONE rush to answer it at ONCE!
Panel 6: **Tenz opens door to reveal government official**
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(you'll notice how, in a mere 2 pages, I've captured the essence of Tenz' parents as WELL as his relationship to each of them...!) *pats self on back*
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I will buy any series as long as Lash is writing it!
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No, seriously man. You writing, Dean Lee on pencils. I would be all over that! ![[cool]](images/icons/cool.gif)
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Hmmmmm. Dean? You out there, man?
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Hey, what if the gov. messenger is Lester! Then he becomes so infatuated with Tenz that he gets himself re-assigned to Tenz's office!
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Okay, so how about this for a rough plot breakdown for the first issue:
Senator Flem is the latest in a long line of Senators from Tenz's home district to be assassinated. Agent Spiffany delivers the message to Tenz's home that he has been drafted to run for office. While normally anyone would be crazy to run for a position with such a high mortality rate, Tenz figures anything has to be better than continuing to live at home with his crazy family, so he sets out to get the job, with the aid of his best friend from childhood turned campaign manager, Taryn Loy. They easily win the election thanks to Taryn's masterful campaign. It's not long before the first asssasination attempt of Tenz occurs, but he and Taryn manage to thwart and capture the would-be assassins. After interrogation, they find out that these guys were hired by Prince Evillo of Tartarus, so Tenz gets himself appointed liason to Tartarus to investigate. At the end of the issue, he finds that Agent Spiffany has used his rich father's influence to get himself re-assigned as an aid to Senator Kem. Tenz, Taryn, and Lester depart for Tartarus.
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Hmmm.... we need a cool name for Tenz's home district.... any ideas?
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Whippin'-Time Way? Redneckville? Petticoat Junction? Bismoll Heights? Loyville? Boltland? Matter-Eater's Alley? TD, a li'l help, please.
Hey! Did we ever make a final decision on the status of Taryn's dad? Dead? Alive? Famous scientist outcast for not sharing Taryn's matter-to-strength-conversion powers or not? And etc.
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Do you really want me to be serious? You won't like me when I'm serious.
OK, go this way and you're abandoning the great pre-boot concept of Bismollian politics: the draft. I'd rather see Tenz get drafted but have it be the first-ever mistake by the draft system - they called one too many. (And Tenz gets there last because his beat-up cruiser broke down.) So the sheepish president or senate head or whomever comes up with the hastily-created "Senator At Large" position (which either Tenz or Cal will rename "Substitute Senator"). And on the way home, the cruiser breaks down again, and they are given a ride by... guess?
(And Lash, the whippin' thing is creepy. How about showing the Kems getting excited about the supposed wealth and status a Senator in the family would bring - even if that isn't quite true for an actual Bismoll senator.)
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We're as serious as a Krusty the Clown heart attack!
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Ma & Pa Kem are SUPPOSED to be creepy.
Believe me, they'll be toughening up their ass-kissing muscles when Tenz gets drafted...
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Honestly, I wasn't too big on the whipping either...
I liked the notion that candidates were drafted to run, but still had to win the election. Taryn as super-campaing manager really establishes her credentials as the competent one, and it lets us use material from my old "Tenzil's Presidential Platform" thread.
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Awww, c'mon guys, in that "whippin'-time" panel, Tenzil was gonna be rolling his eyes... it'll be hilarious, trust me!