Originally posted by Jack Mehoff:
Originally posted by Nowhereman:

Just imagine how much money could be made by a film featuring Bats,Supes,WW,GL & all the other DC big guys.
Wouldnt matter if it was shit or not,it`d bust the box office wide open!

That would bring in a lot of money, but I think first they would have to give each of the characters their own movie so that the public can get to know them more before they see them on the team.
You fail to see my point!
X-Men is huge & thats a team,nobody got their own solo shot first & the only icon in the team is Wolverine!
Most of the general non-comic reading public all know who Bats,Supes & WW are,and even the guys like Aquaman & GL are more well known than say Cyclops & Iceman!

Heres a test for ya,walk up to 20 random strangers & ask them to name three superheroes.
My betting is that at least on of the big three at DC will be in everyones list probably two.

The whole point is recognition!