Reading all of the recent Legion/gay related threads made me think about my own personal "coming out". It was a very specific month and year in my life and I wondered what was The Legion up to that month?
I came out in October 1980 - this was a huge month for me because I moved to
Toronto, told my best friend I was gay, met my first boyfriend and fell into my first long-term relationship all in that month. My curiosity sent me back to my cartons of old Legion books. As I came closer and closer to the October 1980 issue I began to anticipate what Th Legion story might be. This was around the time of Mordru and the earth war, there was a Fatal Five arc around that
time too. I hoped the issue would be a really cool one - maybe even feature my favourite legionnaire - Luornu. The issue prior to the October one did indeed feature Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy on the cover. I lifted the book to reveal the October issue hidden beneath. And recoiled in horror!
No! No! No! Not Dr. Mayavale!!!!! Yes, sadly this was the issue that coincided with one of the most important months of my life. I painfully re-read the story searching for parallels to my coming out process. The only thing I could come up with was this - I was entering a new (gay) world where many of the men, at times, seemed to possess 8 arms and some of them wore silly hats.

Anybody else care to identify their "coming out" issue?