Originally posted by Terence:

Comic books, for better or worse, have to remain relatively static, or as Stan Lee once said, give the reader only the illusion of change (paraphrased).

But why? NONE of the super-heroes are the same as they were decades ago. Not even the Marvel heroes, which have not been rebooted. They've changed in other, subtle ways (or not so subtle ways), whether they've aged or not.

I'm not convinced that advancing the Legion's timeline ALONE was responsible for the reboot. There were many other things about TMK and the era that followed that alienated older fans. Not that DC really cared about older fans all that much at that point.

Besides, I'm not advocating advancing the timeline quite so radically as was done in TMK -- at least not yet. By my calculations, only five or so years have passed since the Legion's founding. What's wrong with acknowledging that? That would put most of the long-term members around age 20. Some might quibble over 20-year-olds calling themselves Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl, but that's a relatively minor concern.