So the problem is gay topics. Once again, if you have a problem with the topics on a message board, the best thing to do is to start some new ones of your own, or e-mail the moderator(s) with your grievances.

Why the "gay" topics? Probably because the people who are posting to them are finding them fun and entertaining. That's the way any leisure activity starts... because someone finds it fun and others who find it fun join in. If you don't find it fun, by all means start your own party with your own threads (like this one.)

Is that an answer to your question? People are finding it fun, and so people are posting.

<<Spoilers beneath>>

What's the big deal? I can understand the desire to keep the board somewhat on-topic, but there's 3 weeks until the next Legion comes out, and this most recent one, while high on characterization, didn't really move the plot forward very much. We all knew the villain was Universo beforehand and the emphasis on Imra was really nothing new. So since there's nothing new Legion-wise to talk about, we're having some fun.

Which do you really think is more entertaining... another Dawnstar vs. Shikari thread, or Legion Accessories Survivor? I know which one I'd pick... and if you think differently, by all means start your own threads about what YOU want to talk about.