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I thought since we have these hellacool avatars under our names on Rob's board it might be fun to dedicate a thread to why we all picked them!

Of course, some of them are obvious, like He Who Wanders's Mon-el or Greybird's lovely pic of Dawnstar, but I'm curious about some of the others, like Stuey's Kool Aid Guy, among others.

As for myself, I poured over the avatars, looking for Optimus Prime... and finally was going to settle on the regular Autobot symbol (being that I loves me some Transformers)... until I saw Bubbles (from Powerpuff Girls.)

I. LOVE. BUBBLES. She and Karen on Will and Grace are the only two cartoon characters who can make me erupt into a spontaneous grin no matter how I'm feeling. I love Bubbles so much that when the WB store was going out of business I was going to get a really big Bubbles pillow that was on 75% off... until I realized that such a purchase was just a little too gay for me, Mr. Straight-Acting Homosexual (sigh.) Sadly, I put Bubbles down.

So, post here to talk about what your avatar means to you!

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I've been switching avatars every couple of weeks... usually to whatever makes *me* smile.

First, I had Ambush Bug -- because I'd just been reading DC Comics Presents Superman and Ambush Bug (from '85).

Then, I had Fry holding Bender's head -- from Futurama, because I'd been watching some episodes from my Futurama 1st season DVD.

Finally, I switched to Kool-Aid Man, because I've been known to smash through a brick wall face-first in pursuit of artificially-flavored and -colored liquid refreshment... OH YEAH!!!

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Not much to say. I was originally looking for a decent photo of acting legend Tor Johnson when I stumbled across the critter to my left.

I think it works beautifully.

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Well, I knew I wouldn't find a "Duplicate Boy" avatar, but the Composite Superman is the next best thing.

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hey duplicate man cant you send him a pic of him for the avatar
my avatar is Solar- Man of the Atom, originally a gold key comic character. Remember the comic company VALIANT COMICS, well they put out the "reboot" version of him and it was awesome for about 18 issues, really cool, guy gains godlike powers and causes a small black hole that destroys the world, sucks him in and he is thrown into the "current reality" where he meets himself just befeor the accident.
really really cool
but alas
i want to change it to kid eternity but have trouble finding good pics.

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When I first joined up here millenia ago, my avatar of choice was AMBUSH BUG.

When I returned, I was JOHNNY BRAVO 'cause he's got big poofy hair.

After Lightning Lad hooked us all up with LEGION-flavored avatars, however, I first switched to INFECTIOUS LASS before settling on MATTER-EATER LAD for the nonce.

I may switch again soon.

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My avatars are taken from two of the three published drawings of Calamity King. The blonde one which I am currently using is from his Who's Who in the LSH entry, while the other, back view shot is from a flashback scene in Adv. #343.

Incidentally, in the other appearance of Calamity King, his first appearance in Adv. #342, his hat actually has a much different design. My theory is that after he first meets and befriends Star Boy (as depicted in the next issues flashback!), Thom tell him to ditch the nelly li'l Green Arrow hat, and so he changes into something different.

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Your theory intrigues me!

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I may switch again soon.

Don't, sweets. This one is perfect.

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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Your theory intrigues me!

Another Calamity King theory that I just came up with:

Why did Calam King never join the Subs, when Color Kid, who tried out with him, did? He even had an "in" with the group due to Star Boy's presence on the team.

Well, my theory is that Thom still blamed him for his "bad luck" that got him expelled from the Legion, and vetoed his membership in the Subs.

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Brilliant! It makes perfect sense!

And Star Boy was LONG-gone by the time Calam joined the LEGION during the 5-Year Gap.

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...And we know from Thom's Levitz-era spotlight that he was obsessed with being the "unluckiest" Legionnaire!

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I just used Mighty Mouse for no special reason.

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He could be considered a "super-pet" of sorts...

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Glad that K.P. and others like my pick. Rob helped re-crop it, by the way, to make it smaller while keeping the detail.

It's from a portrait penciled and inked by Bruce Patterson, artist from just before Levitz's second run on LSH. (I now wish I'd gone ahead and bid for it on eBay, but I'd just bought an original art page by and from Jim Janes *$igh*)

It's also one of the few views of Sis showing her smiling. She's been altogether too serious while in the Legion ...

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Although mine's obvious based on my screen name, it depicts the Nightcrawler that was to join the Legion back in the 70's before the X-Men got him.

He's wearing a yellow (not red) costume and his 'bamf's are depicted with red and yellow explosions and not purple smoke.

If it wasn't for then Editor Murray Boltinoff, Nightcrawler would have joined the team along with Wildfire. [sad]

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It's Tasmia fighting Darkseid during a full eclipse.

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I picked mine because Ferro is trapped Faraway on Steeple. (pretty clever play on words eh) :)

Also if you saw me in the flesh you would all insist on me wearing the metal mask. [whaaaa!]

And I actually like this version of Ferro, the insecurities appealed to me as a welcom alternative to the rather self assured Legionniares

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My avatar is Stitch. Need I say more? Just that Stitch is possibly the best cartoon character created in... well, ever. He's certainly my favourite Disney character and the film just makes me laugh and laugh every time I watch it.

Before having Stitch though I had Buttercup. Much the same reasons for having her as for Kid Prime having Bubbles, only Buttercup is my fave of the girls. She's just... well, she's fabulous. What more can be said?

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other then being a kid's tv show??

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Heh, see that's where you're wrong. Both Lilo & Stich and The Powerpuff Girls may seem to be designed for kids but really they're so not. That's my excuse anyway.

Actually in a way it is true to say that. The reason they work so well is that they are 'just kid's shows' but they also have things that amuse adults just as much. Hell, there's no reason why just because I'm 26 (nearly 27 [whaaaa!] ) I shouldn't like things made for young people. Look at Harry Potter. Or Malcolm In The Middle. Or, dagnabbit, comics.

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Originally posted by Bevis:
Heh, see that's where you're wrong. Both Lilo & Stich and The Powerpuff Girls may seem to be designed for kids but really they're so not. That's my excuse anyway.

Actually in a way it is true to say that. The reason they work so well is that they are 'just kid's shows' but they also have things that amuse adults just as much. Hell, there's no reason why just because I'm 26 (nearly 27 [whaaaa!] ) I shouldn't like things made for young people. Look at Harry Potter. Or Malcolm In The Middle. Or, dagnabbit, comics.

Theres nothing wrong with being a kid at heart, i'm one myself, actually teen at heart. Most cartoons have humour in them that adults catch, but its because they are made by adults. I went to see Finding Nemo with my 8 yr old nephew, i dragged him kicking and screaming(he wanted to see 2fast2furious, screw that noise), anyway theres little humerous bits that adults will enjoy. i sorta liked the part where the where the blue fish( ellen degeneres voice) was talking in her sleep and she says
Yes i'm a natural blue

now was that meant for a kid to find funny?i dont think so, but then again maybe i'm the only one that found it funny.

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I'll give you three Carggite guesses why I picked this avatar.

But, what I want to know is why doesn't the lovely TD have one?

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Originally posted by Greybird:
It's also one of the few views of Sis showing her smiling. She's been altogether too serious while in the Legion ...

You'd think with all them tickly feathers she'd be giggling all the time [wink]

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Oh, and I chose a Mark-Paul Gosselaar avatar because... well... I'm gay [biiiig grin]

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I chose mine because there wasn't a Queen Projectra avatar. I was using Wonder Woman, but she's not even half the wonder that I am, so I went with Shady instead. [wink] She's not Jeckie, but at least she's a Legionnaire :)

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I chose mine because I like Pie......Lots and lots of Pie. [izzat so?]

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I had Timber Wolf as mine for a while there. But avatars just aren't for me, like smilies and sigs, so I got rid of it. To thine own self be true.

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Well, I finally gave in and avatarred myself back to my truest fanboy love... let the Autobot symbol fly free!!!

(Plus, someone else on the board has Bubbles now, and I say, share and share alike! I still love Bubbles though!)

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Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Well, I finally gave in and avatarred myself back to my truest fanboy love... let the Autobot symbol fly free!!!

(Plus, someone else on the board has Bubbles now, and I say, share and share alike! I still love Bubbles though!)

You are a kind and generous soul, Opti. And a damn snappy dresser, too! <grrrrOOwl> [humina humina]

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Matt K., that rabbit with the big eyes is really starting to creep me out as the night gets later. Oh the horror!

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Originally posted by matlock:
Matt K., that rabbit with the big eyes is really starting to creep me out as the night gets later. Oh the horror!

Hee! [mwah hwah haa]

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I find the Mark-Paul Gosselaar much creepier, myself.

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Great, now tonight's night terrors won't just feature giant mutant horror-rabbits, but that dorky Saved By the Bell guy. What the hell, why doesn't someone create a "Screech" avatar? Then I can just forget sleeping at all.

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A Schreech avatar??? Matlock, you are a friggin' genius!!!!! Sign me up for one right this very instant, Eryk the moderator dude! [wink]

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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I find the Mark-Paul Gosselaar much creepier, myself.

Be glad it wasn't Screech [wink]

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It was a hard choice between Gumby and Charlie Brown, both being childhood obssessions but Gumby just won out.

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As you can tell by my ranking, I'm a newbie. (Hush, Lash!) Any of you guys want to tell me how we can get avatars? Do they have one for Chuck? Maybe I can get one of Greybird, that lovable curmudgeony bugger... :)

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Hey CJ, go to "my profile" (it should be at the top right of your screen), and then to "View/Update Profile."

There should be an option to select your avatar -- you can then browse through a couple of pages of avatar and choose one to your liking. Apparently, multiple posters can have the same avatar, so you don't have to worry that someone's already taken one you might want.

Hope that helps!

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