Another shout of HEY! to the estimable Steve Lightle. If you haven't joined Steve and a whole bunch of us over on
LegionPics and
ArtPost, by the way, you're missing out on a lot of visual pleasure and charming people.
I agree with the Princess's thoughts immediately above. The "official" DC boards self-assert a prime place, in every silly "DC In Demand" page that talks about their being new and wonderful (NOT!). And many there believe that being "official" means they're the best place to be.
'Tain't so, as any number of veterans of fanorgs or APAzines or even mailing lists can testify. Communities build from the ground up, not by being ordained from the top down, even when those on top report to a Paul Levitz.
And any board that doesn't allow editing posts -- to implement second thoughts, allow over-passion to be removed, or make things more readable -- is to some degree substandard these days. Why couldn't DC have just picked up a copy of UBB, dammit ...