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#194456 2003-06-11 10:07 AM
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I have a few concerns that division may ultimately lead to being conquered, but I thought I'd drop by and say hello. I'd hate to lose contact with any of you.

So, how's the water in here?


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#194457 2003-06-11 10:10 AM
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Fresh enough for Tellus to swim through.

Hello, Mr L :)

#194458 2003-06-11 10:11 AM
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C'mon in, the water's fine! Just watch out for Sharklad over there in the deep end...

#194459 2003-06-11 10:12 AM
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Steve, a lot of us are trying to divide are time between the two boards. I know I am. But this place feels more like home. Glad you could finally stop by.

#194460 2003-06-11 10:20 AM
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Ditto, although my personal division is 80% or so here, and the rest of my posting time is split between teh "new" [no no no] DCMB's, various Y-Groups, and CrossGen's MB's...

#194461 2003-06-11 10:21 AM
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Hey Steve
glad ya made it over, i really like this board, i find the new dc boards kinda dull and lack flavour. This is where i will be most times.

#194462 2003-06-11 10:29 AM
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Good to see you, Steve!!!

This board is the place to be-- hope you can get over here often, you're an important part of any Legion board!

#194463 2003-06-11 10:49 AM
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Hi Steve, good to see you. I wouldn't worry too much about the official board. Most folks still have a deep rooted need to post on-topic every so often.

This place is sort of like recess to the DCMB's study hall.

#194464 2003-06-11 11:15 AM
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Hi Steve !!!

i must admit i don't visit the NEW DCMB's at the mo .... i'm sure i will though !!!

this place is great though, i hope you have the time to stay around ....


#194465 2003-06-11 11:29 AM
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I don't visit the new boards but then again for the last few months of the old boards I hardly posted at all either. Being over here has got me posting again, as well as a lot of other Legion fans who had gone AWOL.

And besides who's actually going to do the conquering? Rabid Green Lantern fans? They already scare everyone away anyway. Nah, having a few forums for discussion of the Lgeion isn't going to do anyone any damage. Besides the new DC boards are so bloody skronky that half the threads we had at the old boards couldn't exist anyway and so the posting was bound to drop off significantly. Here we can be pretty much as we always were.

#194466 2003-06-11 12:01 PM
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Originally posted by Bevis:
Besides the new DC boards are so bloody skronky that half the threads we had at the old boards couldn't exist anyway and so the posting was bound to drop off significantly. Here we can be pretty much as we always were.

"Skronky" - what a great word - so.... 31st century.

I don't think anyone was/is seeking division, but there seem to be a number of technical problems with the new DC Boards. This place works for us and we thank Rob for providing a clubhouse. Keeps us off the streets. Now can we have the sharp scissors back?

#194467 2003-06-11 12:19 PM
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I don't know if it's just general irritation that the boards were changed or if there's an epidemic of panty bunching going on, but I can't seem to handle the atmosphere at the new DC Boards. There seems to be an overwhelming number of "holier-than-thou" know-it-alls posting over there these days, and Heaven forbid if you have an opinion that differs from theirs. The rudeness and personal attacks will begin in earnest then. And I won't even get started on the hypocrites...

To be honest, though, the DC Boards lost their charm for me a long time ago, probably not too long after the Legion boards merged together. The wacky antics of the LMBP were about the only constant enjoyment I got on the boards, and after the merger things changed a little bit.

I still pop in at least once a day, just to see what's going on, but to be honest I rarely post there anymore. It's become more of a chore than a pleasure.

#194468 2003-06-11 6:38 PM
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Another shout of HEY! to the estimable Steve Lightle. If you haven't joined Steve and a whole bunch of us over on LegionPics and ArtPost, by the way, you're missing out on a lot of visual pleasure and charming people.

I agree with the Princess's thoughts immediately above. The "official" DC boards self-assert a prime place, in every silly "DC In Demand" page that talks about their being new and wonderful (NOT!). And many there believe that being "official" means they're the best place to be.

'Tain't so, as any number of veterans of fanorgs or APAzines or even mailing lists can testify. Communities build from the ground up, not by being ordained from the top down, even when those on top report to a Paul Levitz.

And any board that doesn't allow editing posts -- to implement second thoughts, allow over-passion to be removed, or make things more readable -- is to some degree substandard these days. Why couldn't DC have just picked up a copy of UBB, dammit ...

#194469 2003-06-11 7:38 PM
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Hi Steve! Nice to see you here!

I'm another one splitting their time between boards. I've been spending more and more time here, though. Because the boards are better constructed, and, to be honest, it's more fun here.

But I have no plans to give up the DC boards altogether.

#194470 2003-06-11 11:13 PM
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Hey there, Steve! Good to "see" you dropping by.

As for the DC boards, I haven't posted there since the big meltdown. I'm not boycotting it or anything. There just isn't time or interest on my part for frequenting multiple forums, and Rob's board satisfies my Legion fix.

#194471 2003-06-11 11:34 PM
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Hi, Steve! Like several posters I have one foot here, another foot in the DCMB's, still another foot in the "real world", and another in - why are you looking at me like that? Haven't you seen a four-footed guy before? [biiiig grin]

#194472 2003-06-12 12:16 AM
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Possibly the biggest concern with coming here is that we would lose the online company of Steve Lightle & Dave Cockrum, and Andy Lanning, so it's great to see you here.

Counting the days 'til LEGION # 24.... and the sure-to-be-stunning UMBRA spotlight...

#194473 2003-06-12 12:20 AM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Originally posted by Bevis:
Besides the new DC boards are so bloody skronky that half the threads we had at the old boards couldn't exist anyway and so the posting was bound to drop off significantly. Here we can be pretty much as we always were.

"Skronky" - what a great word - so.... 31st century.

I don't think anyone was/is seeking division, but there seem to be a number of technical problems with the new DC Boards. This place works for us and we thank Rob for providing a clubhouse. Keeps us off the streets. Now can we have the sharp scissors back?


#194474 2003-06-12 12:41 AM
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YAY! Steve is here!

First Dave and now Steve, I'm happy! [biiiig grin]

Now this board is truly home.

#194475 2003-06-12 12:53 AM
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Nighty-- Dave's been here?!?!?

#194476 2003-06-12 2:43 AM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
Nighty-- Dave's been here?!?!?

ULP! Nope, he hasn't. I must have dreamt it. [eh?]

I looked everywhere for his post that obviously doesn't exist -- sorry. [gulp!]

I'll see what I can do to change the situation though. :)

(EDIT: Here's why I thought he'd been here.)

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