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#194924 2003-06-12 9:13 PM
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Since the first Legion trivia topic seems to have been diverted into pictures of naked, sleeping drag queens, I thought I'd start another, in hopes of maintaining order. Please note that off-topic posts on this thread will be be deleted at the discretion of the moderators!

You know the rules: One person asks a Legion related question, the one with the correct answer asks the next question.

We'll begin with Nightcrawler's unanswered question from the previous thread:

When/where did Element Lad appear in a Jack Kirby inspired costume?

#194925 2003-06-13 12:14 AM
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It was in one of those "Meet the Legionnaires" type features, I think in the Tabloid maybe.

#194926 2003-06-13 8:45 AM
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I think I'll take a moment to lay out some ground rules - at least, these are the rules I try to live by. If I post a question, and no one has answered it after one day, I post a vague hint that probably helps nobody. After 2 days, I give a hint that might actually be helpful. If nobody has answered after 3 days (when I say day, I mean weekday), I either spill the beans or give a hint that gives it away.

I guess I'm just trying to say, let's try not to let the trivia threads stagnate. Thanks for listening.

#194927 2003-06-13 11:37 AM
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Originally posted by matlock:
It was in one of those "Meet the Legionnaires" type features, I think in the Tabloid maybe.

Yup. It was in a feature called "The Origins and Powers of the Legionnaires" in ALL COLLECTORS' EDITION C-55 - Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Garth and Imra's wedding)!

I would have also accepted the reprint of same in THE BEST OF DC Digest #33 - Secret Origins of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

To see it for yourself go to the original Trivia thread here. I didn't want to slow this page down with a big image file.

#194928 2003-06-13 12:50 PM
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Originally posted by lancesrealm:

I guess I'm just trying to say, let's try not to let the trivia threads stagnate. Thanks for listening.

I think these sound like reasonable rules. I hope you don't mind my starting a new thread; the other just seemed to have gotten off track and overly cluttered.

#194929 2003-06-15 4:20 AM
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This is an easy one to get the thread moving again.

In honor of Father's day, name all the Legion offspring pre and post boot.

#194930 2003-06-15 4:36 AM
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Graym, Garridan, Dacey and Dorrit Ranzz
Pol Jath Krinn
Cub Wazzo Nah

#194931 2003-06-15 4:40 AM
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Crap forgot one.

Lauren Gand

#194932 2003-06-15 5:23 AM
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What happened to LLance?!?!?!

#194933 2003-06-15 4:32 PM
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Originally posted by THE Franta:

What happened to LLance?!?!?!

He decided to sleep in and we don't want to disturb him.

#194934 2003-06-15 4:43 PM
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Okay I'm sure I got all the Legion offspring and want to keep this thread moving so here's the next question.

Both Element Lad and Lightning Lad/Live Wire had parents with different names, pre-boot and post-boot. Give me their names from both versions.

For a bonus Silver Ale, how many other Legionnaires had different parents, post- and pre-boot?

#194935 2003-06-15 5:22 PM
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Lightning Lad : Luc & Perla Ranzz pre-boot; Kirth & Dalya Ranzz post-boot

Element Lad: Arn & Valla Arrah pre-boot; Tarn & Garra Arrah post-boot

Others whose parents have changed (I don't have all the details, but I'm thirsty):

Jo Nah - middle class Mom & Dad pre-boot; bar-hag & no-dad post-boot
Cham - RJ Brande pre; Durlan priest post
Brainiac 5 - had a father pre-boot, all I remember was a panel where Dad was chewing out little Querl; post-boot is psycho mom Brainiac 4
Triad had a Mom & Dad pre-boot; post-boot, both abandoned her and she lived with her maternal grandmother
Long-shot here, I think Phantom Girl's mother was a professor pre-boot; post-boot Mom is of course the nasty U.P. Prez Winema and Dad just shows up for money
Can't think of any others

Next question: R.J. Brande appeared as a slim, bald, bespectacled man in which story or issue?

#194936 2003-06-16 12:06 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Okay I'm sure I got all the Legion offspring and want to keep this thread moving so here's the next question.

Technically, there were a whole bunch of Legion offspring seen in the first Adult Legion story, but I wasn't looking for them since that was taken out of continuity so long ago anyway. I'm glad you went ahead and asked the next question as I didn't get to the board all day yesterday. Thanks LL!

#194937 2003-06-17 4:27 AM
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Next question: R.J. Brande appeared as a slim, bald, bespectacled man in which story or issue?

I think it's time for a hint, F.C.

And everyone should note the bolded statement I've added to the first post of the thread.

#194938 2003-06-17 4:49 AM
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HINT: It was in the great "Klordny Week" issue.

DOUBLE HINT: Chaim Keller's Legion Help File is indeed a big help.

(Thanks for ground rules EDE. One more question on etiquette: do you wait to have your answer confirmed before asking next question?)

#194939 2003-06-17 5:00 AM
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Sorry if this is considered off-topic.

As we played it back when I was starting Legion trivia threads, you don't *have* to wait for confirmation if you're fairly certain you've got the right answer. If you're unsure, it's best to wait so you don't end up with multiple open questions at the same time.

#194940 2003-06-17 10:06 AM
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I think this was Legion #232 - the disease that Wouldn't Die issue. I'll wait for confirmation, though.

#194941 2003-06-17 12:31 PM
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You got it lancesrealm. Carry on.

#194942 2003-06-17 2:12 PM
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OK, here we go...

Nme 3 female Legionnaires who changed hair color at some point. I am not counting disguises.

#194943 2003-06-17 7:28 PM
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Originally posted by lancesrealm:
OK, here we go...

Nme 3 female Legionnaires who changed hair color at some point. I am not counting disguises.

1. Saturn Girl had brown hair in her original appearance

2. Mysa Nall was red before she became the 'White Witch'

i can't think of a third !!!


#194944 2003-06-18 1:09 AM
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Originally posted by matlock:
This is an easy one to get the thread moving again.

In honor of Father's day, name all the Legion offspring pre and post boot.

Yaknow Llance really IS a great Father!!!

#194945 2003-06-18 1:11 AM
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As Matt said, Saturn Girl was shown with brown hair in Adventure 247, then blonde in every other appearance. Don't know if that should be counted as a hair color change or just a continuity error. More likely the latter. Also, Projectra had white hair, then changed to blonde as Sensor Girl. I don't know whether you'd consider this a hair color change or a disguise.

My three:
Mysa was a redhead, then had white hair as the White Witch, then red again when she was de-powered, then purple hair when she merged with the Amethyst spirit later on.

Light(ning) Lass was shown as a redhead early on, a blonde throughout the 1970's & early 80's and then as a redhead again in the late 80's & 90's.

Post-boot, Monstress had green hair when she first appeared, then changed to orange when her skin color changed.

#194946 2003-06-18 1:16 AM
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Next question:

Name 3 Pre-Boot Legionnaires who hailed from Xanthu.

#194947 2003-06-18 4:20 AM
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Shoeless Llance Jackson!

#194948 2003-06-18 5:20 AM
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To the previous poster: Buy. A. Fucking. CLUE.

To EDE, about his addition to the first post: Thank you -- that's exactly what I was hoping you would note in a thread such as this, and at the beginning.

And to Loser: Star Boy, o'course. Atmos, though we didn't see him (it was during the five-year gap). Devlin Ryan, I believe, though I was put off so much by his being around "Bounty" that I never bought those issues.

#194949 2003-06-18 5:23 AM
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You are correct sir! Except it's Devlin O'Ryan, but close enough. You may post the next question.

Oh, and BTW, if the moderation is true to form and the post above yours *is* deleted, it's going to look like you're telling me to buy a clue. Which, I guess I need to do anyway so, um, never mind... :)

#194950 2003-06-18 5:46 AM
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Vowel was amputated by McNyQuil. Clueless poster involved is indeed not Loser, but "THE Franta," whateverthehell that is.

And the next question: What snack did Dawnstar decline to eat, and who made it? (Situation and issue as well, if possible.)

#194951 2003-06-18 1:12 PM
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Originally posted by lancesrealm:
OK, here we go...

Nme 3 female Legionnaires who changed hair color at some point. I am not counting disguises.

In case anyone was wondering, I was going for:

Saturn Girl
Lightning/Light Lass
Mysa Nal

Since all of these were guessed, I'm glad you carried on without confirmation.

#194952 2003-06-18 2:33 PM
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Who is the hottest person in the planet?

#194953 2003-06-18 2:33 PM
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#194954 2003-06-18 2:33 PM
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Well, I'll just have to give you the answer:

#194955 2003-06-18 2:38 PM
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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Well, I'll just have to give you the answer:


#194956 2003-06-18 2:43 PM
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Better luck next time!

#194957 2003-06-18 6:34 PM
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#194958 2003-06-20 1:47 PM
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Originally posted by Greybird:
Vowel was amputated by McNyQuil. Clueless poster involved is indeed not Loser, but "THE Franta," whateverthehell that is.

And the next question: What snack did Dawnstar decline to eat, and who made it? (Situation and issue as well, if possible.)

I don't know jack about Dawnstar. But I am going to guess... Mushroom poppers. Those things are just gross. More than likely, Live Wire made them. He always came across as a mushroom lover to me. Sick sick sick.

#194959 2003-06-21 2:32 AM
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Hehehe, since no one is here to tell me otherwise- I got it right!!!!

Next question:

Which four Legionairres were assumed to be the first Blighted, but in reality weren't even on planet at the time?

#194960 2003-06-22 4:55 AM
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Originally posted by CJ:

Which four Legionairres were assumed to be the first Blighted, but in reality weren't even on planet at the time?

Monstress, Apparition, Cosmic Boy and Brainiac 5!
(yeah, that's right -- i'm holding the issue in front of me)

Ok, my question:
When they were up for Legion membership, Laurel Kent and Comet Queen got into a fight with Lamprey and Nightwind.

What were they fighting about??

#194961 2003-06-22 10:22 AM
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My Legion lore is limited to DnA's tenure. I'm going to guess they were arguing about the Duplication of Powers rule.

#194962 2003-06-22 1:23 PM
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Sorry CJ, but good guess based on past Legion history. As a hint, this wasn't a "tryout" kinda situation -- more like wannabe boot-camp where they were all shacked up together and going on trial missions to see how they performed.

#194963 2003-06-22 1:44 PM
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How sexy I am?

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