All good points again, Steve. I want to make it clear that I did like "Back Home In Hell" (though I was unaware it was your only Legion co-plotting credit). I just felt that Mon going beserk at the prospect of returning to the Zone was a bit much.

It seemed that, in the few stories in which Mon was called on to be emotional about something, he'd turn into a violent madman. There was an earlier story (also by Levitz?), in which he nearly pummels Sun Boy after Shady gets injured.

I agree that Mon is a very complex character and should be somewhat enigmatic to the other Legionnaires (perhaps that's DnA's take on him, and why he seems to have no close friends among the current Legion). Still, why does this guy keep hanging around the Legion -- being part of it yet apart? In the preboot, he and Superboy had a brother-like relationship that anchored him to the Legion. By the time Kal was no longer appearing on a regular basis, Mon was involved with Shadow Lass. But why does he stick around in the reboot? There have been no satisfactory answers to this (just speculation on my part).