Today I decided to reread the Legion's earliest appearances, mostly as a way to avoid doing laundry.
I had more fun than the first time I read it when I bought it several years ago.
Here are some scattershot thoughts/observances...
1). Mon-el serving as an active Legionnaire while trapped in the Phantom Zone, even saving the day at least once, was a damn cool idea.
I wish we'd seen a bit (or more than a bit) of that in the reboot.
Hmmm- maybe a rebooted 'Phantom Girl/Lad' could be a prisoner in the Phantom Zone acting on the Legion's behalf in the 'real' world.
2). Shrinking Violet had the wildest, most suspicious little imagination.
Her only lines in the whole archive involved her guessing at the direst, most accusatory motives for teammates, applicants, etc.
3). Brainiac 5 gave Sun Boy a ring with a dome on it which housed a menagarie of weird beasts that were descendants of animals shrunken by Brainiac 1.
Wish we'd seen that again. Unfortunately, I can't see a way for this little nugget to be introduced into the reboot.
4). Lori Lemaris as a friend of the Legion should've been carried forward past the Adventure years. I always liked her.
5). The idea of building robots that look like everyone you know, including your parents, and keeping them in the basement is tres creepy.
The more so since the events of GRADUATION DAY.
6). Why didn't the Winged Wampus get inducted into the Legion of Super-Pets? :)
Actually, the circumstances around the Winged Wampus- which was a gift from admirers to the Legion- are those in which I could see a 'real' Legion of Super Pets formed.
Not sentient beings in the bodies of Kryptonian powered animals, but naturally-occurring critters from exotic worlds that could be trained for specific purposes and used accordingly.
7). 'Porta-monitor'. Kinky.
8). The spy hidden in the 'curative capsule' implanted in Sun Boy's ankle was a cool idea ("The Fantastic Spy"). But the spy should've been from Imsk.
9). 'Spectrum rainbow bar'? That explains everything.