I don't much care who deleted who's picture of who's sleeping person. I don't care who's trying to take over who's thread. I don't care who fucking pissed who off. This fucking sucks.

I've just gotten used to being able to come on this board and hang out with my online compadre's and talk slightly-Legion-related topics. Obviously, that hasn't really been possible today.

I imagine some moderator over here probably deleted or edited something and whoever it was that got edited took umbrage and decided "we'll show them."

Now those who post regularly on this board COULD decide to go rampage the other boards on this site, but what would be the fucking point? It would be ultimately counter-productive, as long as people have spare time on their hands. The offending parties COULD go apologize, but I don't know if that would work because it's obviously the fun thing of the day now to "Let's go over and FUCK UP the LEGION BOARD... heh heh heh"

Today has put a seriously bitter taste in my mouth. I don't know if I really want to post on this board anymore.