Originally posted by Kid Prime:
I wouldn't say you come off as a bully (mainly because in the echelon of bullies, message board bully HAS to be the waterboy) and I can totally understand the need to act out against what you percieve as an injustice.

I even applaud that.

Seems like this is the old argument of the tree that a neighbor planted whose roots grew over into the neighbor's yard. Whose tree is it? Some people feel a strong sense of ownership of this entire message boards community. They are upset that someone they see as a newbie interloper is messing with what they see as an unbreakable rule.

And then there's the people who came over here to post at Legion HQ. They feel like this board is their new home. They feel ownership too. They feel like the other people are the actual interlopers.

The question is, whose house is this going to be? And if it is owned jointly, can we figure out a way to share the fucking place?

I warned ya. Locking all of the threads wasn't gonna make it easier. Now, Franta is back on a roll.

Like I said, if no one deletes stuff, then there wouldn't be spamming like this. Spamming will still take place, (like I said in the other thread, we do it all the time to our own forums. even Bobo does it) it just wouldn't happen as much.