If Legion fandom is fracturing, it could be because it's unclear what fans want on any given board.

I posted a new topic earlier, called "Off-the-Cuff Review of LEGION # 21." Eight hours later, there has not been a single response. I admit I'm mystified by this. Are people just not interested in discussing the current issues, anymore? Has everyone talked it all out on the other topic pertaining to # 21? Do people favor short, one- or two-sentence commentary, rather than in-depth views? Do my opinions turn people off, or are they just not interesting to read?

One of the things I loved doing on the old DCMB was discussing and even debating topics concerning current LEGION issues. Sometimes, topics boiled down nothing more than "This is the way I feel ..." "Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but this is what I think ..." Other times, some serious debating was going on.

Somewhere along the way, that got lost and the topics became silly and playful. That's okay: Some people showcased their creativity, and turned the LMB into an fun, off-the-wall place. I liked that, but I also liked the serious discussions, too.

Greybird got in trouble a lot for "ruffling feathers." But more often than not, I think he was just stating his opinion. I understood where he was coming from, though we disagreed on the issue of tact: Sometimes, you just have to say what you have to say. If someone takes offense to it, so be it. Someone is always going to take offense to something.

Unfortunately, Grey became the target of irrational attacks by another poster (and someone I had otherwise respected for bringing his own brand of lunacy and in-depth analysis to the board). In the aftermath of that meltdown, everyone was bending over backwards to be nice. We received a lot of praise for how friendly the LMB was, but, at the same time we lost some of the edge, some of the passion of what it means to be a Legion fan.

Then, Rob's Damn Board came along and it became a free-for-all. People were cussing, posting irrelevant topics, and just having a ball. Then we learned there was a cost for this, as well: the Nature Boyz took it upon themselves to initiate us into the world of thread spamming. Some poor judgment was made by both sides of the ensuing conflict, and, as a result, many long-time LMBers left, effectively gutting this board.

Now, there are concerns about the low number of posts and whether or not there are enough posters to sustain Legion HQ. I think it all boils down to the following question: Just what do you want out this board, or any Legion forum?

For me, I want both serious discussions and topics of fun. I want in-depth analysis and people stating their opinions. I want a certain degree of civility, but I think people also have to be a little thick-skinned when someone challenges their viewpoint or favorite character. Most of all, I want people to care enough about the Legion to have something meaningful to say.

I feel Steve Lightle's pain, and I, too, am saddened by the disintegration of a once burgeoning fan community. In some ways, I think such things can't last for long -- the nature of cyberspace makes joining and leaving any given community too easy when things get tough. But, in other ways, I think the Legion and Legion fandom is worth fighting for. I would hate to see this board die from apathy.