Preboot, Shadow Lass was the planetary champion, but she wasn't raised to be one.
She just sort of 'fell' into the position when she happened upon the cave with her cousin, Grev.
So, it rather made sense that she chose to be with Lar and gave over the title to Grev.
Postboot, Umbra is a whole nother story.
She'd choose a man to father her children for the family line, the most powerful and best that she could find, IMO.
But, I don't know that she'd ever marry or 'follow' a man anywhere.
I enjoyed the old Lar/Shady relationship, in a lot of ways, because it was rather unique in the Legion relationships.
And I loved that Lar chose to love her as much as she loved him ~ again, rather unique and rare, in reality AND in the comic world.