There was the Rokk Krinn Death Squad League, started by fans unhappy with his poor behaviour in the early years of the post-boot. (He didn't stand up for Garth when the UP replaced him with Ayla; he wanted to take Imra away from Garth, he let the SPs arrest Brainy for time travel, etc.)

Has Rokk's character improved? He hasn't been doing much since Kid Q became leader.

I was looking through the last "election" issue and noticed that he used his influence to ensure that Jazmin became leader ("I personally recommended you to everyone") Now that's kinda scummy, subverting the democratic process.

He was leader-like in his last tenure, I'll give him that. But I somewhat like the idea of Mr. Clean being a creep. On the other hand, I'm a traditionalist - keep Rokk as the quintessential leader. I didn't like the 5YL stories in which he was losing his mind and acting like a self-pitying, angry wretch. Also, Imra's been doing a lot of creepy things with mind-controlling other members (maybe - or was it a dream?), so maybe one scummy founder is enough.

Just can't make up my mind on this one.