well, this is a very nice n'peaceful message. and, he's right, certainly clearer than my own drunken ramblings.
...but c'mon, which is funner?
...shit... waitaminute, is "funner" a word? ... damnit, now i'm gonna look all exploitive or something... ..damn...
anywho... yeah, i briefly saw the first version of this thread from yesterday, but no, i did not delete it. i'd have no reason to. i didn't delete this one, either. if its gone, someone else must've trashed it for unknown reasons.
i didn't get a chance to really read yesterday's thread, though, cuz i've been so busy at work and home lately. but, tonight, i've got a spare moment.
so, my rebuttal? ...i guess i don't really have one. if everyone is pissed and in a stomp-on-your-grave type mood, thats fine. everyone is entitled to whatever feelings they can muster. im certainly no peach to deal with.
why or how someone could be this mad at me over the legion forum, i simply dunno. but, whatever floats yer boat.
my boat is floating in the opposite direction. truth be told, i met a whole buncha really nice legion people during their brief tenure here, whom i doubt are represented in the above tirade. greybird is his own man, who never seemed to like me much anyhow, so no sweat there. i don't know a thing about him, so i can't sit here and critique the guy.
what i do know is there are lotsa other good folks in them thar legion boards, be it my own or elsewhere. most were (are) really nice, really friendly, really appreciative and helpful and funny and ready to assist with whatever. good spirits. some have even conversed with me via emails or pms or stuck around to post. and i'm more than happy to have any of their company.
things may not have worked out here for some (or most, or all), and thats a bummer. maybe its temporary, maybe its not. regardless, there are no hard feelings. not on my end. if everyone is off having a good time now, posting in their proverbial happy place, isn't that all that matters?
smile. have fun. its good for you! puts hair on your chest.