www.legionworld.net for those who don't know.
I was curious to read the terms and conditions. I've never read anything quite as.... strict, ever. A backlash against the laissez-faire moderating here, I suppose.
In addition, they make you wait while they work out whether they want you to join. That also probably explain the 50 odd guests they have there (at 5am US time too!) - their enrollment process is far too slow (a problem we had at Athanon) and they run the same risk of losing a lot of people.
I had a bit of a look around. Most of the moderators seem to be keeping an eye on this board. Its pretty much the same crew who were here.
The Science Police board was the most intriguing of the lot. While the other forums are filled with the sort of friendly silliness one gets from the LMBP, the Science Police Board is where some of them show their true colours.
Nightcrawler seems to be running the show. Greybird seemed particulary testy that someone had reprinted his publicly posted message about Rob being drunk. MLLASH is there, too, offering to delete things here using his moderator status. Seems it was he and not Thriftshop Debutante who went locking up all the threads here. And people were hopping up and down about xlegionx (Llance, I guess) spamming the boards with "THAT picture".
Greybird made the comment in one post that he was surprised that even the dumb ole Nature Boys took two months to find it. Obviously he doesn't know someone from their board posted a link in the comics section here.
Now, this is where it will get interesting. I've been nothing but friendly to most of those guys - I even tried to set up a home for them at Athanon, 3 years ago, in the Vault of Tomorrow. I was a Reserve member of the LMBP for years. MLLASH, Stu-rat and others have exchanged e-mails with me. I even help Dev-Em clean up this place when some of them went nuts and shat in their nest.
But will they allow the sort of criticism that I would bring to their board? I'd talk about the Legion, and I wouldn't troll, but I wouldn't be keeping my opinion to myself, either.
That is where they would need to weigh free speech against enforcement of their rules and regulations on what people can and cannot say. By way of a geopolitical analogy, some totalitarian states tolerate criticism of their regime, and some do not.
In case the moderators there are watching - and we know they are - just to make it perfectly clear for you, I've enrolled as Computo. Long term Legion fans - and I am one - should know the significance of that name.
Let's sit back, and wait and see what they do.