Hi guys!
Although I'm pretty sure who XlegionX is, I feel the need to make this
announcement board-wide.
For reasons known only to him, a poster known as XlegionX is posting the most
inane comments with a link to MY message board in it at Rob's Damn Boards. Here
is the latest in sheer stupidity:
http://www.robkamphausen.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=28;t=000777#000008The last time this idiot posted at Rob's boards with a link to us, we were
invaded by the raving maniacs known as the Nature Boyz and forced to shut down
new registrations for several days.
Then in order to keep our message board from further raids, Scott and I have
been forced to restrict new registrations and must WASTE our precious time and
energy trying to identify potential new members. Making what was a fun and
enjoyable hobby into a miserable full time job.
If that wasn't enough, I strongly believe that blocking the Nature Boyz is at
least partially linked to our having been hacked and forced us to find a new
home. Which again has taken valuable free time and energy from the two people
who are just trying to give us all a fun place to hang out at on the net.
One would think that a lesson could be learned from the pain and suffering that
XlegionX has inflicted on us all, but no. He wasn't satisfied with the trouble
he has caused us. He felt the need to continue his stupid and thoughtless
taunting of the internet vandals at Rob's boards.
I can't even fathom why anyone would hate me so much as to make my life so
miserable. I have spent so much of my time and hard-earned money to build this
message board. Legion World isn't free. I've paid for it and will continue to
pay for it for years to come. But I swear to you all, that I will pull the plug
and remove this board from the net if this nonsense continues any further. I
just don't have it in me anymore. I'm so sick of wasting so much time on all of
If you are XlegionX or you know who he is, I would strongly suggest deleting any
and every post made at Rob's boards. And never, ever post there again. Don't
even visit there. And if I see even a hint of a retaliation from this latest
post made by XlegionX, you can all kiss Legion World goodbye.
Thanks for listening. Sorry I had to subject you all to this, but I figured it
involves you too.