so, it snowed yesterday. bout 3 inches worth, or so. regardless, it was enough to get outta work a few hours early, so y'got 0 complaints from this guy.
got home at like 2 and basically just sat around, enjoying the time off and workin on my PC. i had spoken to my boss at dc comics last week about submitting some work for a colorist position. what the hell, right?
so i finished up one piece i was workin on and send in 4 quick samples. it'd be pretty frickin cool if somethin came from that, but... unfortunately... its just as unlikely anything'll happen.
so yeah.
lex came over also, cuz she'd have major difficulty going to east orange. might as well not chance it and just chill in the boken. thus, we hung out the whole night, watched some good tv and ordered up chinese food.