we were really just bull shitting and having fun while playing video games. but once jack said he was leaving, scott and i knew we had to stir the conversation pot, to trick him into staying.
he puts on his coat. picks up his stuff.... and we sorta block the door, bombarding him with philosophical questions.
since high school, jack has really become all sortsa... deep, i guess is the word. he's very into yoga and meditating and shao lin stuff. he's very into deep thinking, like "are there any truths" and stuff like that. all the stuff you imagine when you make fun of stoned out hippies. you know "what really
is life?" ... all those questions. he loves them.
we bait him with the easy stuff, like his thoughts on reality and/or the current iraq/war situation. stuff that was completely filling up his mind (being already tired at 4:30 am).
the conversations were flowing, big time. i like that stuff cuz i love debates and all that. scott was up for it too. jack almost always takes the opposing view point, so it set itself up perfectly to continue without resolution.
and as deep as the kid is, he doesnt seem to understand, or at least accept, the fact that there are just-as-right differing viewpoints out there. so the talks lasted nearly two hours. during that process, he slowly took off his bag. put it down on the floor. removed his coat. and took a seat back on the couch.
before you knew it, the sun was starting to rise and creep into my apartment.
figuring we only had an hour or two before scott's train, i offered for jack to crash at my place. he relented. .... and since we were all there, all awake, and all ready to go...
why not play more super monkey ball?
![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif)