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oh yeah, also!
on my way home from the bar, i call my dad and he informs me that cablevision and YES (the yankee network) have come to an agreement -- meaning both my father and i will be able to watch yankee games this year!!
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alright then.
randy mcchang and i went to the nets game last night. really expensive horrible seats ($35 a ticket for two rows from the back), but it was cool just to go and hang out. nets won, too, up by almost 20 over the celtics, so that aint bad.
nice to chill with randy, tho. this has been a pretty good week of hangouts!
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ahh... got my lent-friday-meatless soup today
lets assume there's no meat in the broth
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god, i hate monday mornings
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well, i gotta do one o' them weekend recap things.
so lets go. friday!
lex and i had both had a full week and were both in the mood to blow off a lil steam, soooOOOooo.... we's both headed over to maxwells for a nice, meat-less dinner (pasta n'stuff) and a whole buncha beers.
mmmmm... friday beers....
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we were prolly there for a few hours. we didnt leave to go until mebbe 8 and got back at... i duno... lil after midnight, maybe. 'twas nothing major, just completely a hangout day.
next day, laquanda came over, her and lex slutted themselves up, and the three of us went down to riverstreet, which is a decent-sized club by the path.
everyone claims to hate the place so much, and yet... they always seem to have so much fun while there. i know i like it, simply because there's SO much hotness at the place. boobs and butts bouncin everywhere, girls hookin up with other girls, dancin all dirty, wearin next to nothin...
i believe they call it "heaven"
so, yeah. lq was drunk out of her mind and lost her coat ticket and couldnt walk and a whole buncha other annoying "im not also drunk and dont wanna deal with your being drunk" crap. man i wish i could get drunk.
but, yeah, we got back to my place at like 4 am and past out.
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sunday i made everyone wake up early(ier) cuz i had to go home and do laundry.
plus, by like 1:30 it was gorgeous outside. a sunny, 70 degrees. nicest its been since last fall.
and MAN did i need it. i walked reeeeeal slow to go get my car, simply enjoying the warm weather and beautiful sun. plus, the first and last days of summer has chicks that go fuckin nuts. they figure they havent shown their bodies off in months (or wont be able to do so in months, in the case of last day of fall) and break out ALL the crazy outfits.
i saw like 5 chicks in bikinis, talked to a few girls rollerblading in tube tops... it was a paradise. there were even some layin out on towels at the park by my house.
long story short, it took me about 30 minutes to get my 30-second-away vehicle.
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so, yeah.
dropped lq off amidst a st patty's day parade, and took lex to randolph with me to visit the fam.
hung with mom and pops for a while, even saw the oft-sleeping katfox. did my laundry, helped out with computer stuff, and ate a good-ass home cooked meal. me parents are good folks!
so, um... yeah. again. left, got home, went to sleep and now im here.
the weekend was awesome but the recap sucked. why? cuz its monday morning, im at a place of business i cant fucking stand, and its nice outside again (while im trapped INside).
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yeah, im tired. yesterday was another beautiful day, but unfortunately, i missed almost all of it. first, my hellish hours here at work. then, lex had to go to the dentist. dinner afterwards was nice, but after that, instead of hanging out or going out drinking or enjoying the weather, i had to wait around to get in contact with my parents. not that it was their fault, mind you. but, it was still annoying ... especially considering they were 2-2.5 hours later than they shoulda been. again, not their fault, im not mad at them. still frustrating and now work. oy!
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went to gym.
am tired. sweaty.
arms sore. legs sore.
not know if its sore or soar.
... am tired ...
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well, t'was another nice day out yesterday.
so nice, i decided to go to the gym for the first time in a few weeks (sad!). i did ok, i guess. some arm stuff, some press stuff, and 30 minutes on the bike. sweat like a mo fo, ill tells ya that much.
weather has been great the past few days -- so great that the ice cream man started makin his rounds last weekend. not that i get anything, mind you, but... its still great to hear the ice cream man jingle, cuz that means its summer taaahm!
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long frickin day.
interviews this morning. comin in late to work. then out to a meeting somewhere in the boonies. get back at three. meanwhile, we start another invasion in iraq (the first one was last night, at around midnight -- all small stuff thus far).
now, its already 5, and i still have so much to do.
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friday morning.
fridays are a good thing.
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hey, its the first day of spring. i just realized that.
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man, since, like, 11, we've just bombed the snot out of iraq.
fuck you, saddam.
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![[..zzZZzz..]](graemlins/sleepy.gif) yeeeawn... monday morning. a beautiful monday, too. and i get to be at work. the fucked up summer-at-work season is starting up again already. noooOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!
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well, lets see whats goin on.
i dont remember friday. ... man, thats frickin sad. how can i not remember a day that ... oh wait, now i remembr. phew.
k, so, i went home. lex n'i were gonna go out n'do some fun drinkin n'mebbe some clubbin. now that the weather is all nice, i have this incredible urge to see every hot chick in a hot outfit.
i love them and they love me.
buuuut... it didnt happen.
turns out, lex drank just a tad too much before i got home, and actually drank herself into oblivion. she was asleep by 7pm.
i coulda called up my grandparens and hung out with them for another 2 hours before they went to sleep.
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friday was the first thunder and lightning storm of the year. or at least the first big one.
lotsa crashes n'stuff, and a big downpour at around 8 or 9 or so.
i love thunder storms.
spent most of the night finishing up whatever work i had, sending out emails and playin video games. i cant say it was too bad. at least i got some shit done i needed to get done.
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saturday was frickin beautiful outside. nicest day of the year, yet. the temperature hit 70, the sun was shining, few clouds in the sky, and hot chicks, everywhere, were bouncing around.
we spent most of the day just walking around the city, seeing what there was to see. no real goals or agendas, just relaxing. I LOVE THAT.
nice weather just puts me in a good mood -- always has. i cant believe i haven't moved to california or texas or someplace where its always fucking warm.
aside from the fact that the south scares the buh-geezus outta me.
but yeah, that was saturday, day time. absolutely relaxing and absolutely loving the relaxation.
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im gettin my days all mixed up now, as i normally do on a monday.
i think lex and i went to the pita grill, but that coula been yesterday. im retarded. but... for arguments sake, lets pretend we went on saturday.
food wasnt bad -- i just like trying new places. cant wait until we can eat outside -- that starts all over in hoboken on april first.
anyway, like i said, saturday was just relaxing in the gorgeous weather.
saturday night we went out to dinner at the always great olive garden. thats a great place for people who aren't really italian but wanna be. of course, you cant mention it to people who really ARE 100% italian, because i think they become offended for whatever reason. you also cant mention it to someone who likes to go out to dinner to real places because, again, they feel its some sorta insult.
to all those people? my nuts.
OG is frickin tasty and convenient and none-too-expensive. robbie like.
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laquanda, roxy, and jamilet showed up around 11 or so. we hung out and drank for awhile, then they took off to go to some gay bar.
they only came over cuz they were sposda go to some gay bar, but it turns out the gay band that was playing played their gay songs the night before. and thus, they were de-gayed.
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sunday was just like saturday. not as warm, but still damn nice.
lex n'i went to breakfast at ted n'joes, another new place (tho we've been there once before, for dinner). good stuff there. gotsta love the bacon.
and after that was outdoor relaxin for like 5 hours. lex hates the outdoors, but put on a good face for me, cuz i loves it so much.
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sunday night was the oscars.
i cant frickin watch those shows, cuz i get so insanely jealous and angry. i dont want some frickin unknown guy winnin awards and kissin halle berry -- i wanna be some frickin unknown guy winnin awars and kissin halle berry.
she's my bitch, not his! and get yer frickin hands off my award!
... oy...
so upsetting. then i get all "why can't i just be famous" followed by the "waitaminute... how the fuck do you get famous?" which is always finalized with "ill never be famous, im stuck here forever -- blackness -- angst!" and something similar.
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yeah, so, i gave up biting my finger nails for lent. its probably the most difficult thing i've ever done.
my nails are typically 1/8th of how long they should be. i bite them to the point that my finger tips hurt and bleed. all the time. they're very jagged and nasty looking, but i like'em.
i haven't bitten my nails now in... man... mebbe a week?
for the first time... i think... ever, you can see the white top part of my nails. i can tap them on a counter. i can scratch my neck without cutting holes in my flesh.
and its SOOOOOOOOO frustrating, cuz i jsut wanna bite a big meaty chunk out of'em. ALL of'em!
and, actually, i've slipped up twice already this morning, half eating two of them. i keep trying to stop myself, but they keep calling to me... calling...
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so much for will power
i just devoured most of my nails. man, this is rough.
got my soup tho. and got to walk in the beautiful weather outside -- its gotta be high 60s, which is great for march. ...sigh...
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if i could go back and change one thing in my life, i think it would be that time i found that one dollar bill on the sidewalk.
i would change it to a million dollar bill.
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yes. its morning, alright.
went to the gym yesterday. did the bike and some arm stuff. im contemplating signing up for tae kwan do or kick boxing or something. they're at weird times, 7:30-8:30, or something. i'm normally out of the gym by 7, so going that late is kinda awkward.
mebbe ill try it tonight, tho.
pop stopped by yesterday. both 'rents went over to mary's and my dad stopped by to hang out for a bit. dropped off some new plants and some food. good guy.
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yeah, my frickin balls hurt.
i went to the gym again yesterday. 2 days in a row is pretty good for me. anyway, normally i do 30 minutes on the bike, then hit the weights, typically for arms and upper body, for another 30 minutes or so.
yesterday, though, when i walked in, all of the bikes were taken, so i had to find something else to do. i decided id do some leg exercises, cuz i never do. i did the thigh master type thing, where you squeeze in for 50 reps. then i did the reverse, where you push out, for 50 reps. so that already had me all sortsa sore.
THEN i had the brilliant idea to "up it a notch" and do 35 minutes on the bike, isntead of 30.
i dunno what they put into those extra 5 minutes, but i was beasted! sweatin like a bitch the whole time, legs exploding, head pounding... i kept thinking "as soon as this hot chick looks the other way, ill tone it down a bit and drop a level" .... but... as soon as she turned away, another one would sit down nearby or something.
going to the gym is all about saving face.
... mine, of course, was beat red with gallons of sweat pouring down.
oh well. i kept the pace and did it.
now i suffer.
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i'm having uncontrollable leg spasms in my right thigh right now. its been going on for the past 10 mintues or so.
there's nothing more frustrating than the sensation of 4-5 mice scurrying around beneath your skin.
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my groin still frickin hurts.
anyway, me, lex, scottie and cati went to hooters yesterday after work. its fun there, real relaxing, good beers n'some good food. most importantly, is the waitresses, of course. and, yesterday, we got the hot chick that i always wanted to get.
she's reeeeal good, too. knows just how to work it, how far to lean over when she's taking my order, how to smile and pretend she likes me, how to touch my arm for no good reason. sucha piece of ass this one!
but, yeah. morally, im sposda say i had sucha great time just hangin with my friends. which is true!
... honest!
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groin STILL in pain.
but its friday!
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well, the weekend happened.
saturday, it was 73 degrees, warmest its been all year. sunday, yesterday, it dropped to 30, and even flurried last night.
how the fuck is that possible?
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alright, lemme think here. friday. what'd i do on friday....
oh yeah, cable guy came. i got me digital cable. i went from 70 some channels to over 200. very cool deal. granted, some of'em dont work, so i have to have them come back to check on'em, but... the point is there.
after that, lex n'i did some drinkin and stubled to maxwells for a meal and... well... s'more drinkin.
i likes the drinkin.
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yadda yadda. saturday was another day of drinkin -- lex and i even played jungle juice pong. that was a nice touch.
but during the day, we spent time outside. why? cuz it was seventy-frickin-three degrees outside. it was so hot, we were sweatin while walkin. people were flyin kites and riding bikes and wearin shorts. SO nice. it was hard to imagine it was march!
... then, yesterday, it was EASY to imagine it was march, as the temperature literally dropped in half, and then some! lowering to about 28 by this morning. gotta love that.
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we also tried some new mexican resteraunt on saturday. ... i dont think we'll be going back there anytime in the near future.
but yeah. good weekend. lex is good people :)
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wooo, and hulk hogan won at wrestlemania! ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)