long day yesterday.
my website went down around 3pm, cuz my stupid fucking hosting company shut it down.
i signed up for a plan with "unlimited web traffic" (still says that on their site), BUT apparently, that doesnt mean what it says. it means "limited at a point" ... ironically, the exact opposite of what it states.
anyway, i was screamin at the guys there for nearly five hours, and had them budgin a little. im REALLY good at gettin what i want, when i really want it, and i was not gonna take "no" for an answer.
so, im making calls to the president of the company, receving calls from his goons, etc. goes on for a few hours.
then, i stop by my dads store, and he takes the phone for a second.
however good i am at selling things or convincing people, my dad puts me to an INCREDIBLE shame.
he belittled this guy, told him he'd drag his name thru the mud. the president of the company then told my dad he'd get back to him in 10 minutes.
during that time, this company was hustling to get everything underway, cuz my dad scared'em shitless.
they had the site back up in a half hour. my dad rules!!!!!!