Strikeforce HeadQuarters As ACK, Had, and Shadow attempted to decide on their final member, the three men's eyes came to rest on a large metal chamber sitting at the back of the room. The chamber sat on the twin forks of a forklift. The driver smoked a cigarette and read a magazine while he waited for the meeting to end. Inside the chamber a slender man with a runner's build, sat still, several wires hooked into his body, pumping fluids into him. The man wore dark reddish brown lightweight leather armor which covered the majority of his body. Green tinted goggles covered his eyes. He stood very still in the middle of the chamber.
"Who the fuck is that?" Shadow asked.
Before ACK could reply, he was interrupted by Jack Merlin, the Strikeforce leader. "That is a very dangerous man. He is not available for your team, ACK. He's very dangerous and very psychotic. He's only to be freed as a last resort."
"But, who is he?" ACK responded to his leader, his curiousity piqued.
"He calls himself Amuck. His meta power is fairly common, superspeed. However, it's his mind that makes him dangerous. Take a little closer look at his armor. Take a look at his knees, elbows, knuckles. The top of his head. He's got spikes everywhere." The three Strikeforce members murmured to themselves, astonished.
"That's not all. He has knives hidden in his sleeves near his forearms. He presses a hidden button and they pop out. Superspeed disembowelment. Or what have you."
"That's fucked up, man." Shadow said looking over at Had. Had just nodded in agreement. "Why the armor?" Had asked Merlin, looking the dangerous meta over.
"He doesn't have the greatest control. Sometimes he has trouble stopping. The leather armor protects him, similar to a motorcyclists leather." Merlin replied.
"Where-where did you find this guy?" ACK stammered out at Merlin.
"He was part of a group of mercenaries who battled the Vanguard several months ago.* Took on their superspeedster. Did pretty well for himself. However, the Vanguard, in the end, defeated them rather soundly, as I mentioned at the briefing. We found him, took him in, and coerced him to join. Now, if you'll excuse me." And with that, Jack Merlin walked off to oversee his plans.
To be seen in my upcoming Vanguard story.