In an abandoned tool-shed out in the alley behind the Vanguard Complex which had been remade into a low-budget "hero headquarters," two strange men sat playing Hearts. That is, if one could call them men: The furry one, whose name was Uncle Otto, resembled nothing less than a brown bear, while the other was completely headless, his head resting between his arms on the table, looking at his playing cards. This was Annikin Cobb, better known as Head-Fall-Off Boy to the locals at Jake's Place.

Suddenly, a strong breeze caused all the cards in the two men's hands to flutter off into the corner.

"Hi, Drag-Racer..." they said in unison, not bothering to look up at the newcomer, a speedster who, though he was male, was wearing make-up and was dressed in a tube-top and hot pants.

Drag-Racer: "Hey, did you hear?"

Uncle Otto: "What?"

Drag-Racer: "There's some kind of big shindig going down in Antarctica?"

Uncle Otto: "So?"

Drag-Racer: "And Vanguard asked the B-Team to go along with them."

Uncle Otto suddenly rose to his feet, saying angrily: "And we weren't invited?!?"

Head-Fall-Off Boy: "But didn't you just say...?"

Uncle Otto: "This is our chance, team! Our chance to make prove ourselves to the big boys! Come on, what do you say? Are we Antarctica-bound, or what?"

Drag-Racer: "Surrrrre... I guess... uh, as long as I get to wear one of those cute parkas with the bunny-tail."


Drag-Racer: "IT'S MY LIFE!"

Head-Fall-Off Boy finished adjusting his head to his neck and said: "I dunno. I'm not really into the whole 'cold weather battle' thing, y'know? My Head of Steelâ„¢ freezes too quickly in sub-zero temperatures."

Drag-Racer: "I heard Banshee is going..."

A *THUD!* could be heard as Cobb's head fell off.

In a moment, Head-Fall-Off Boy was already at the door, his head in his arm like a football. He looked back at the others and said: "Well, what the hell are you two waiting for? C'mon, guys!"

Uncle Otto just shook his head and grinned: "So... should we give 'the new guy' his big break?"

Drag-Racer returned the grin: "I think so. Six months is a long-enough probationary period, I think. I think he's learned his lesson."

Uncle Otto: "Don't let him hear you say that. He's the official team rookie, after all. Every team needs one."

Drag-Racer: "Just keep Bates away from me, OK? The last time he got that goop all over me I had to shave my head and bathe myself in tomato juice."

Uncle Otto: "You should try getting it out of fur..."