As the Vanguardians dropped one by one from the Stormloader, Tayden turned towards Michael Ringo and said, "It's time."

"Ok, do it." the biker said. The angel released his empathic hold on the spirit contained within Michael's human form. A low mist began to rise around the biker and covered his form. "Hey, no smoking back there! I'm trying to fly up here!" Velo shouted from the cockpit, momentarily blinded by the mist.

The mist died back down and in Michael Ringo's place stood a red helmeted, white coated figure called the Spirit of Vengeance. Vengeance turned to his left and gestured. Another mist rolled up from nowhere and when it was gone, a massive, vicious looking motorcycle was in it's place. Vengeance straddled the bike and began to gun it's unearthly engines. The sounds coming from the bike resembled screams of pain to those remaining the ship.

"Clear the way! Get out of his way!" Tayden screamed as Vanguardians moved away from the hatch. Vengeance rocketed off towards the open hatchway and drove directly out of the ship. He was burning a one way path towards Naecken. . .