The swarms of T5 robots massed on the plain surrounding Naecken's fortress threatened to overwhelm the army of heroes gathered there. Although the metahumans were dealing plenty of damage, there were just far too many robots to deal with.

One lone metahuman surveyed the scene from atop a low hill. If he was going to make a difference at all, now would be the time.

And, standing there at the peak of the hill, BHAGHHH-RUPTH made up his mind.

Tucking into his shell, the turtle-man-creature-thingy screamed "BOMBARD!!!" at the top of his lungs, then rolled down the hill, smashing into robot after robot after robot.

Elsewhere, Philip was trying frantically to hold back the advancing robots with his amazing static-powers, but for some odd reason he wasn't as effective as he had hoped. He ducked as a falling T5 toppled past him, then dodged out of the way as a Russian commando dove onto the snow behind him, out of the hail of fire from another robot.

The Russian got to his feet. "What are you doing here???"

"Oh, that's easy, my Russkie friend," Philip replied. "The name's 'Ouch-Man'. See, what I do is..."

"Shut your damned mouth," the Russian said. He fished in his pack for an extra weapon. "Take this. And stay out of the way." He got to his feet and headed off after another cluster of robots. "Canadians..." he muttered.

Philip inspected the weapon. "Hmmmmm..."

He pointed it at the snow and pulled the trigger.

A brilliant bolt of energy emerged from the barrel of the Tesla cannon.

An ear-to-ear grin spread across the face of 'Ouch-Man'. "Ooooooooooooh!"