This is like when I was in Siberia thought Banshee, as she flew over the white snow. She was well insulated in her thermal gear. Like the Russian Artic, Antartica was a frozen wasteland. Brianna exhaled and could see her breath, like fog.

But that's where the similarity ended. There was no Raptor here anymore. This wasn't some simple spy mission -- it felt to Brianna that Heaven and Hell had ripped open and angels and demons were clawing at each other like wolves. Gone were the simple fights of heroes and villians. This was so much bigger. This was about survival.

And Brianna? She was different from the girl that flew with Euro over Siberia. She was stronger. No more simple Irish lass, no more ignorant child...Brianna was now a lady...a very powerful, dangerous lady.

And she wasn't afraid.

Grim wanted her to 'take care' of those T5 robots. Easy enough. Brianna flew towards the machines casually. The muscles under the wings were insulated by her feathers, so flying wasn't too difficult. The trick was to dodge any weapons they threw, then to unleash her scream. Predicably, she dodged the first missle, then let it all out...


"I've just sent Banshee," said Grim to Phil over the com-link.

"Bri?" asked Phil. "Grim, last time I check, her voice was kind of raspy. Are you sure she's not on a suicide mission?"

Grem could see Brianna flying in the distance. "Skreeeeeeeeee!" T5 robots were falling over, and even from a distance Grim could see Brianna was not tiring as usual.

"Phil, I get the sneaky feeling she's doing just peachy."