No one noticed as Naecken's fortress began crumbling, but shivers were sent through the fighting populace as a wave of blue energy passed over the field of Artic combat. Among the metas and brainwashed a new village appeared in the icy mist, one of the few remaining Annunaki, the large brute known only as Ninhursag. The blue skinned alien looked like a demon from the pits of Hades itself, two horns protruded from its head, its eyes a glossy white and his arms and skin were large, thick and impenetrable.

In a violent rage, the alien stormed the battle field killing soldiers from both ends, the brainwashed innocents and the few brave souls who came to fight for Earth’s freedom.

Bullets bounced off Ninhursag’s chest and he smiled an evil grin. With a single movement he grasped and crushed a human soldier’s skull, lunged and bit out another’s throat. The beast yelled at the top of his lungs, “YOU KILLED MY BROTHERS!

Hearing the beast’s yell, Priest turned and stopped in his tracks, staring at the monster. Without looking, he fired and blasted three brainwashed soldiers with his stun weapon, saving a fellow meta.

Ninhursag came face to face with Baaghrupta. The once Lord of the Flies was height level with the alien. Ninhursag let lose with the first punch, to the lower stomach of the dancing turtle/ex-demon. Baaghrupta turned hitting Ninhursag hard with his outer shell and followed with an offensive assault that would be the equivalent of an enraged dog. Ninhursag hit the ground and blood seeped from his nose. Baaghrupta jumped on the villain, this being the first time he has had to be so brutal, well, since his time in that hell like dimension… but he doesn’t talk about that much.

Under Baaghrupta’s massive weight, Ninhursag’s eyes glowed and he actually grew larger. Now doubling the size of demon turtle, the Annunaki kicked Baaghrupta off of his massive body.

Baaghrupta hit the icy floor hard and was barely able to roll away from a punch that broke through the floor. Baaghrupta was unable to avoid a powerful kick to the stomach. With a single hand, the Annunaki lifted him off the ground and smashed him straight down. Ninhursag’s finger nails grew larger and he smiled revealing very sharp teeth. He sunk his hand into the soft spot of Baaghrupta’s stomach, a gooey dark red and green blood seeped out. The alien reached back for the killing blow.

Two zaps of lightening connected with the creature’s back. Dropping the once lord of the flies, Ninhursag turned and his eyes connected with Priest who was making his way through the crowds of fighting soldiers. Priest let a shot fly from each of his weapons, connected once again with the beast, the alien yelled in pain but smiled as smoke rose from his back and chest. A moment later he once again grew in size.

Priest’s eyes widened, this alien had his power. Spinning his weapons around, Priest did something his brain told him not to, he unleashed the full fury of his weapons on himself. Grinning his teeth through the pain, Priest doubled, and then tripled in size, becoming just smaller then the alien murderer in front of him.

Throwing his weapons down, Priest jumped at the alien and the titans traded blows, each one powerful enough to shatter a mountain top. The vibrations caused by the two men shook the ground so hard that soldiers from both ends fell off their feet and hit the icy ground. Neither man held back, viciously punching, clawing and using everything that they have. As they fought, they both grew larger and larger. Blood shed at a rapid rate. Ninhursag dug his right hand into Priest’s shoulder, the beast’s claws digging into the soldier’s arm. Priest retaliated by ripping off Ninhursag’s right horn. The beast stumbled back, having never felt such pain. Priest ran forward with a lightening quickness and stabbed the horn directly into the Annunaki’s left eye. Ninhursag regained his footing and ignored the pain and he continued to swing at Priest, slicing the side of his head and clawing down his chest. Priest let his immense body weight fall directly onto Ninhursag’s right leg, snapping it on contact. The towering alien fell, cracking the ice under him. Priest leapt at him, but the alien dove away, letting Priest hit the weak ice, cracking it further.

Ninhursag jumped back at Priest his huge arms hitting the ground in front of the future soldier. Priest contributed to Ninhursag’s forward motion and threw the beast down and followed with a foot to the lower back and two punched to the back of the skull.

As Priest went for the killing blow, his hands violently shook, Not now, not yet were his last thoughts as he fell back and hit the ice. Trying to hold back the inevitable, Priest ignored the distortional beating of his heart and the pain that came with it. With this opening, Ninhursag tried to crawl away to save his own life, but Priest held on to him. Pulling out a small device, Priest slammed the metal rod like weapon through Ninhursag’s broken and battered leg and into the ice. Priest rolled away just in time for the weapon, a make-shift bomb, to trigger and blow a huge hole into the ice. Ninhursag’s dismembered body fell into the icy waters bellow. Priest pulled his broken body to his feet just in time to see the alien sink out of sight.

In an instance, a thought floated through his mind, December 13th, 2016 – This is Kyle Foster reporting for CNNT, earlier this morning an alien creature, who called itself the Ninhursag massacred its way through two foreign embassies. The death total is unknown, but officials say it ranks over 300…

Priest cracked a smile before grasping his chest. His heart beat slowed. His eyes went into the back of his head. Falling onto the hard ice, the battle continued without any one to notice or help the fallen hero. Priest just lay there, knowing very well that these were his last few breaths. For once he did not feel like a failure. The future he was trying to save, the only future he had known was cold and sterile. Was he ever truly happy among the armies he was a part of, the one’s that he led?

His only friends were of this time. They could have been his friend at least… But Priest kept them at arms length. Now, he would die as he lived, a soldier, alone.

But he would die knowing that the future he was apart of, would never exist, not anymore. He would die free.