Outside things were getting worse and worse. Phil Smith stepped in front of Leslie Kline, who leaned over the unconscious body of Priest. While the T5 drones had stopped coming in massive amounts, there seemed to be a never ending supply of brainwashed soldiers. The good guys were quickly being forced back, in both a desire to not kill innocents (like they were) but also from the sheer force in numbers that Nea had compiled.

The three Vanguards were now totally surrounded.

Grissom’s voice rang through Phil’s head <You can do this Phil!>

“Um, Griss, buddy, there are hundreds of them. I have been barely able to unlock one at a time, let alone…”

<Okay, I didn’t want to have to do this, but Mr. Walker had a plan.>

“Oh Gob no-“

<Turner has the ability to manipulate electricity, including brain activity.>

“You want him to amplify my powers…”

<…to uncanny levels. I have no idea what this would mean for your own mind…>

“…But in theory I should be strong enough to free hundreds of innocents saving their and our lives.”

Leslie stared into Phil’s eyes and reached for him. With a wink, and a whisper of “I’ll be right back,” Phil threw his hands into the air, sending a small TK wave out pushing the advancing soldiers back a few steps, buying time for Priest and Leslie and he flu straight into the air.

Waiting for him in midair was Agent Turner.

“Let’s do this” Phil said and without any words, Turner looked into the man’s eyes and shot a blast of pure electricity into Phil’s mind. The connection between the two men only lasted for a few moments, but the pain and satisfaction that Phil felt seemed like a lifetime. In an instant he opened his mind and a shockwave erupted from Phil’s body sending a title wave of raw power and emotion over everyone on the battle field.

In a split second, Phil Smith was able to reach into everyone’s mind. And in .02 of a nanosecond, he was able to free the minds of those in Nea’s dark hold. Phil violently shook, blood rushing from his nose and veins ripping from his forehead. A streak of white appeared in his hair and in just a blink of an eye, it was over. The extra energy was released from his mind and Phil’s body slowly fell towards the ground, only to be caught by Agent Turner. Turner gentle landed besides Leslie and Priest, placing Phil on the ground.

The once chief of the MCCA pressed a button on his belt. “I.G.O.R we need medics and we need them fast. Two soldiers down and badly wounded. Hundreds of others who will need a truck load of Advil.”

Leslie held Phil in her arms, gently sliding her hand down his cheek. He slept, his expression peaceful, his dreams about her.