Meanwhile, elsewhere...

Mr. Misinformation: That's it!

She-Chant: What's up snookums?

MM: I'm bored! I've had enough of this waiting. Nothing is happening and it's driving me crazy.

SC: Don't worry, most of my alternate-reality-selves are crazy.

MM: [eh?] [you sunnuva...] It is time that something happened! And I. . .

SC: We...

MM: yes, We...are just the evil geniuses to do it!

SC: What? Now? [eh... i dunno... ] But snugglepie, the minions are in the room.

MM: What? No. Not that! (well not now anyway [nyah hah] ). I'm talking about this!

Mister Misinformation pulls back a curtain to reveal not one, but two - Yes TWO - missiles. Each pointing in a different direction.

SC: Well they're certainly big. What are they for?

MM: I expected all-out war between Chantania and Doesntreallyexistia by now. It is now long overdue. And if there is one thing an evil Librarian will not tolerate is one of my plans being long overdue! [you sunnuva...]

So now, with the help of my two little missiles, we shall facilitate this war by launching a missile at each of the Kingdoms. Both will blame the other for the attack and they will attack each other in force. Allowing us to conquer both Kingdoms! Bwahahhahahahahahahahaha! [mwah hwah haa]

Just then Bundy Bear walks in the room with Superfly, Sr and The Amazing Harry...

Bundy Bear: G'Day Misinformation. [points to the two missiles] What are they for, then?

MM: It's Mister Misinformation...and these two missi...oh bugger it! You'll see! Launch the missiles! [AAAHHHH!!!]

A member of the Army of Amazonian Librarians operates some controls and both missles launch, heading towards the Kingdoms of Chantania and Doesntreallyexistia.

Has Mr. Misinformation's plan to take over Chantania and Doesntreallyexistia succeded? Find out next time...