Brianna's shopping trip was almost done. Luchadore's mask was hidden by all the bags he was carrying. "Now..." said Leslie, doing all the calculations in her head. "Who's gifts haven't you purchased yet? Let's see..."
Brianna looked up from the top of a dressing room. "Pass that other skirt. All I have left is Tayden's and Adem's."
"And mine."
"I got yours."
Leslie raised an eyebrow. "When was that?"
Brianna finished getting dressed. "When you were picking out pants." Brianna looked down. "Um Leslie, are you sure this is a skirt?"
"It's...kind of short...maybe it's some sort of fancy belt? I mean, it's really short. I'd kind of feel weird wearing it."
Leslie rolled her eyes. "Oh come on! What do you call that thing you wear on duty, huh? I mean, I know it's an ice skater's dress, but Michelle Kwan you are not."
Brianna stepped out of the dressing room. "Yeah well Grissom said it would be light enough for me to fly in, and I thought it would be rude to refuse."
Brianna couldn't understand was Leslie was groaning and hitting her head with her hand. "Grissom...okay, that explains everything." Leslie decided to change subjects. "So what are you getting the ex-angel and the alien?"
Brianna and Leslie kept walking. "That is sort of tricky." Brianna stopped to think for a moment. "You know, I was so happy to join Vanguard, but Adem's case is so different from mine. I flew here by choice, he crashed by accident. I feel sorry for him, really. I know he'd rather be home. Back as far as a gift...something to make him feel welcomed, I think."
"And Tayden?"
"What kind of gift? I have no idea..."
"No," said Leslie, nudging her elbow into Brianna's side. "What do you think of him? You know, 'birds of a feather...'"
Brianna laughed. "I don't know really. I mean, it seems only natural I feel good around him...he has that aura of his. But recently...I don't's's like...we think alike. Like our paces match. Does that make sense?"
Leslie nodded. "He is kind of cute."
Brianna snarled and pushed a bag into Leslie's hands. "Thanks Cupid, but I'll call if I need your help. Now let's hurry up with these errands. Luchadore is going to collapse if he has to hold Drax's prime ribs any longer."