Adem walked through the crowd. His tall frame towered above everyone he passed. His mind churned with thought as he tried his best to understand this concept of Christmas. Conflicting views of its purpose and meaning is all he had received from his inquiries. "This is one myster I'm not sure that I'll be able to solve."

{So far, all of my own research has proven as useless. Refrences to people known as Jesus, Santa Clause, St. Nick, Chris Kringle, Rudolph, Frosty, and others clutter up any data I can find on this holiday. What is it with these Earth peoples? Why can't they just make up their minds?} Jym's voice shocked passersby who had been close enough to hear his reply come from seemingly no where.

The alien stopped in front of a store. "Well, might as well get this over with." He stepped inside and was engulfed in the madness.