Adem made his way through the hallway to Grimm's room. His fist tapped on the door lightly. Waiting was not a problem for Adem. He had great patience. Plus, Grimm was very prompt in answering. So...... waiting wasn't a problem at all.

"So," the alien started out. His head bent down a little so that he could look through the doorway. "I've been doing my best to assimilate myself to this apparently important Earth holiday. As I understand it, gifts are not customarily opened until the day designated as Christmas, which locally seems to be the twenty-fifth of this month."

"Yeah, that's generally the way it works," the avatar replied. He was about to turn and retreive the alien's gift, "But sometimes...."

Adem continued seemingly without hearing the rest of Grimm's sentence. "That's how I added it all up, yet I must give you your present right now. I hope that this isn't a major infraction of the holiday ritual. I also hope that my not boxing or wrapping it can also be overlooked." Different's left hand, which had been hidden past the door frame, appeared bearing a gift. It was a light colored puppy of mixed breeds. "I think that the circumstances proved it best that I didn't."

The alien handed the puppy to the avatar. It immediately began to tremble upon being placed in Grimm's hands. "I don't know what to say," was his reply. It was not just a matter of courtesy. It was the truth. At that time Grimm really didn't know what to say.

"I was told that the best gifts are those that are needed the most," Different explained. "Your demenor seems glum at times. Some of my psychological research has stated that pets have been known to help with such moods. Happy Christmas." Adem turned and walked away.