“Snow would be nice,” Kit said as he climbed up into the sleigh. The fake white beard was wrapped tight around his face. The thick red and white coat made him begin to sweat in the tropical heat. “The only time I got to see snow in New Orleans was when it was on TV.”

“What is this affinity towards snow?” Adem asked, passing up a large bag.

“It’s just not Christmas without it,” Piper answered while adjusting the big black belt encircling his waste. “At least that’s what all the people with snow say. We’re hit with a non-stop blitz of snow and reindeer when it gets to this time of year.”

“Can we please just get this over with?” Drax asked very impatiently. Kit nodded. The large, feathery, white dragon disguised as a large, feathery, white reindeer pulled the sleigh on its hidden wheels out behind the rest of the parade.

“My.... don’t you look rather festive,” Ozzy said as he approached. His eyes were fixated on Adem’s suit. It was a holiday inspired three piece with a red jacket, pants, and vest. The shirt and tie were a beautiful emerald green. “Someone’s been hit right up side the head with Jingle Bell Fever. Aren’t you afraid of looking weird?” The six foot, eight inch alien peered down at Ozzy with his orange eyes. “Yeah. I know. Stupid question. Why aren’t you in the parade?”

“Not enough room in the car or sleigh. Besides, I’m just not comfortable enough being part of an exhibition like that. You?”

Ozzy coughed nervously. “I do better not to put myself on display like that. Bad things happen that way. I still haven’t lost the taste of Japan, if you know what I mean?” Adem didn’t. “We still have some time before they reach the carnival. Want to grab a drink or card game until then?”

Adem shook his head. “No. But I would like to practice that door thing some more. You never know when it will come in handy. Especially during a big event.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Ozzy snickered. “Give me a minute to set up the practice door, ok?” He turned, giggling like a school girl with a big secrete, and went back into the headquarters.

{Why must you act a fool for him?} Jym’s voice asked.

Adem held up his sleeve, upon which appeared a small monitor with Jym’s face. “What can I say? It’s fun. And he’s not getting hurt. He enjoys it just as much as I. Maybe even more.”

{Yet, I do not see you pretending to be of sub-standard intellect for anyone else.}

“What can I say? He reminds me of my brother-in-law.”

{How so?}

“He’s not that quick at noticing when he’s gone too far. And he seems to want to do the right thing, but can’t seem to figure out how. Not to mention that he’s cheap.”

{Cheap? I have never noticed that.}

“You haven’t smelled his cologne, then. And I’ve been assured by everyone else that the odor is not very pleasing to the human nose.” Adem began to walk towards the building.

{Wait a minute! I thought you hated your brother-in-law.}

“I did. I mean... do! I do! Oh shut up!”