Sometime after, at Victoria Xiang's office...
"Here's Anita Guadalupe, for Channel 7 News. The appointed press conference by Minister of Defense Lucius Maddox has been abruptly cancelled. Mr. Maddox has announced a public rally at Seaside Square for nine P. M., this evening.... a moment, please, they are giving me a press release just arrived... the government of La Perdita announces that the company called Vanguard International has no ties with the so called Metahuman Brotherhood for Liberation. The company has proved invaluable for the welfare of the island on many occasion. The "proofs" given by the UN organization are, for the part concerning Vanguard, completely inaccurate if not false. The Government of La Perdita wants also to stigmatize the continue campaign of hate toward the metahuman population of the world that the rich nations of the world are orchestrating, and confirm the role of the island into the creation of a complete integration for the metagene carrying men and women of good will."
Miss Xiang offed the TV, and smiled at Kit Piper. "It took much trouble to accomplish this, Kit?"
"Nothing more than a big headache. I though it would have been impossible to convince the President that it was not Grimm the one that was killing off that Strikeforcers, but I managed to. But I don't know if they will be true to their statement, Miss Xiang. Now most of the people are at the festival, just the meta-haters have seen the TV. It's tomorrow that we'll know what the people at large think..."
"One problem at a time, problem at a time"