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PM'ed ya back!
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School started this week http://www.deadjournal.com/users/cowgirljack...and that's my excuse for slacking off...
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Excuses, excuses...
But ya DO got a purty journal.
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quote: Originally posted by Britannica:
PM'ed ya back!
And TWO in-depth responses to you.
I've written a book on this site, I swear .
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War and Peace back at ya!
Will respond about the pictures when I need to, but ta for the info!
Hey CJ!
Will have to read you're journal later, to find out how you are (Hope there was nothing secret in there you didn't want us to read).
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I now have the ultimate weapon within my grasp!!!
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Chant! You're alive!! and with an internet connection! ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) (That can't be good ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) ) Seriously though, have you finished the military training? Or do you have the resources of the Danish army at your disposal?
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Chant is back. Yay him!
Okay, so it looks like we'll be going into the Room of Spirit of Time. I'm planning (though that may change) to post the entire visit in one long shot of posts this weekend.
If anyone wants something specific to happen to their character like a name change (i.e. (y)N -> Nightwing or AGW -> Wednesday), a power change (up or down), or just a certain event, just PM me or post here with the details. Same thing if you want to contribute a post or two yourself and don't want me to hog it all, or you just don't want your character going into the Room. This goes especially for you (y)N since it WAS your idea in the first place.
Don't mean to sound like I'm taking over the story. I just like the Room of Spirit and Time idea, but I don't want it to slow down our main story too much, so I want to post it from start to finish soon.
I'll probably be posting my stuff on Sunday, so if you've got something or want to get your own post in, let me know by then.
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Oh, and Brit, I PMed you some more details again...
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quote: Originally posted by Wednesday: Oh, and Brit, I PMed you some more details again...
I PMed you with some more details again too...
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Replied (the longest one yet)
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P. . .Oh you know the rest....
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Okay, I'm gonna send PMs to just about everyone detailing the upgrades I have in store. Please PM me back with any concerns, complaints, suggestions, and such.
Oh and Brit... you know.
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And that's it for now. Still trying to figure out the rest of your dudes. Let me know what you think, all.
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Wednesday! I've just noticed, your next post is going to be 700!!!! Taking into consideration all the multiple personalities you have had + all those PMs you've been doing latley. . . You spend waaaaay to much time on here, man! Congrats! Brit ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
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Yes, in fact I did survive military maintenence education barely
I hurt my hand at the shooting course and got six stitches out of it! MY LEFT HAND!!! I AM LEFTHANDED!!! could´nt write, lift, eat, mastur.....or use it for anything!!! sad sad sad sad!!!
I´ve had the stitches removed now though, so no real problem anymore, except for the wound not closing as it should, well, it is closed, but it still hurts interferes with everything I do! Seriously, those two weeks my luck was not with me I cut myself several times in both hands and other places on the body, fell of a truck and so on and so forth!!
so you can see my point when I say that I barely survived it!!!
Anyway, I could be going to Iraq soon, could be, haven´t been decided yet, by the government, and then they have to decide if it will be fulltime soldiers, or DIB soldiers!! (I´m a DIB soldier)
that means Danish International Brigade!!
anyway, I am currently suffering from a writers block, and Newerwinter Nights syndrome, so the JLR/Avengers has been postponed a little, sorry, the writers block is real enough!
well, off to bed now, see ya
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I was gonna make #700 a part of the story, but I'm really sorry to hear about what happened, Chant. As much as I complain about my time in the Armed Forces, I've never seen that kinda stuff. They really beat you guys up overseas. But at least you're out of there now, at home, with broadband ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) !
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quote: Originally posted by Chant: Yes, in fact I did survive military maintenence education barely
I hurt my hand at the shooting course and got six stitches out of it! MY LEFT HAND!!! I AM LEFTHANDED!!! could´nt write, lift, eat, mastur.....or use it for anything!!! sad sad sad sad!!!
I´ve had the stitches removed now though, so no real problem anymore, except for the wound not closing as it should, well, it is closed, but it still hurts interferes with everything I do! Seriously, those two weeks my luck was not with me I cut myself several times in both hands and other places on the body, fell of a truck and so on and so forth!!
so you can see my point when I say that I barely survived it!!!
Anyway, I could be going to Iraq soon, could be, haven´t been decided yet, by the government, and then they have to decide if it will be fulltime soldiers, or DIB soldiers!! (I´m a DIB soldier)
that means Danish International Brigade!!
anyway, I am currently suffering from a writers block, and Newerwinter Nights syndrome, so the JLR/Avengers has been postponed a little, sorry, the writers block is real enough!
well, off to bed now, see ya
Another left-hander!
Geez Chant, I did told you to duck while you were in the Army!
If that's what going to happen to you in training, what the hell will happen to you in Iraq?
Take it easy and hope you get over your writer's block soon!
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<-- Left-handed  .
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quote: Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack: School started this week
...and that's my excuse for slacking off...
Hey CJ,
Hope school's working out for you?
How's your Grandad doing?
Oh, and you can deffinately do better than Neuroscience Dude!
Take care! DBP sends her love too.
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quote: Originally posted by Wednesday: <-- Left-handed .
As they say. . .
The right-side of the brain controls the left-side of the body, which means. . .
Left-Handers are always in the right frame of mind! ![[nyah hah]](images/icons/tongue.gif)
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...um, I'm a lefty too... ![[cool]](images/icons/cool.gif)
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Same here..... I see a weird trend starting to form here...
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Jeez, I think I am the only righty here!
Oh, and if any of you guys read JSA...my name will be in issue 53. Don Kramer said he took it and drew on some graffiti. How cool is that! Just in time to celebrate my one year aniversery of reading comics. And when is the JLR's aniversery comming up? I should make a cake...
Hey CJ,
Hope school's working out for you?
Good. Same old, same old. Still taking fecal samples from dogs and cats. And sometimes I get to draw blood. That's cool. The one boss I like took me to her spay and neuter clinc. I got to control the oxygen there. A real power trip. My Intro to Animal Sciences class is really getting interesting...the professor is really enjoying teaching us, and you NEVER see that in a teacher lol. Apparently there are huge job opportunities in dairy farming. I wonder why its not as popular...
How's your Grandad doing?
Did I ever tell you guys? My grandpa is the most bad-ass skirt chaser over 60. He's still struggling to get his game back, but at least he stopped eating spam. And he offered to pay for half my college expensives! He really had a change of heart...in more ways that one!
Oh, and you can deffinately do better than Neuroscience Dude!
Yeah. I found out he cheated with Shauna while dating her. I don't hang out with manwhores. And I just wont do blind dates anymore. There are a ton of guys that I've met since coming to UF. If we stay friends, fine. If we decide to do something else, fine. Maybe I am too busy to have someone steady. I mature enough to realize that.
Take care! DBP sends her love too.
Aw! Tell her I wish you two lots of luv!
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quote: Originally posted by Registered Member #552: ...um, I'm a lefty too...
quote: Originally posted by Ace: Same here.....
I see a weird trend starting to form here...
What, the Justice League of Left-Handers!?!
How are you both anyway?
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quote: Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack: Jeez, I think I am the only righty here!
Oh, and if any of you guys read JSA...my name will be in issue 53. Don Kramer said he took it and drew on some graffiti. How cool is that! Just in time to celebrate my one year aniversery of reading comics. And when is the JLR's aniversery comming up? I should make a cake...
Oops, maybe we should call ourselves "The World Famous CJ and the Justice League of Left-Handers!"
Well done CJ! I'm a JSA reader, so I will look for that with interest!
but when do the rest of us get graffitied into comic books.
Anyhoo, to answer your question about the JLR anniversary:
DCMB - 20 November 2002 2.15pm RKMB - 19 December 2002 7.13pm
Still a while to go. :) Are you taking requests on cakes?
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Good. Same old, same old. Still taking fecal samples from dogs and cats. And sometimes I get to draw blood. That's cool. The one boss I like took me to her spay and neuter clinc. I got to control the oxygen there. A real power trip. My Intro to Animal Sciences class is really getting interesting...the professor is really enjoying teaching us, and you NEVER see that in a teacher lol. Apparently there are huge job opportunities in dairy farming. I wonder why its not as popular... I blame modern miking practices. I'm sure the job was more fun in the old days. Did I ever tell you guys? My grandpa is the most bad-ass skirt chaser over 60. He's still struggling to get his game back, but at least he stopped eating spam. And he offered to pay for half my college expensives! He really had a change of heart...in more ways that one!Well everyone needs a hobby. I've told DBP that when I'm in my 60's I hope to still be able to chase her (I may not be able to catch her any more, but I deffinately hope to still be chasing her) Grandfolks are great. My Nan in Tweed Heads just gave us some money to help pay part of the costs for DBP's Australian residency application. We told her we consider that to be an early wedding present, but she says she will still give us something in December. Yeah. I found out he cheated with Shauna while dating her. I don't hang out with manwhores. And I just wont do blind dates anymore. There are a ton of guys that I've met since coming to UF. If we stay friends, fine. If we decide to do something else, fine. Maybe I am too busy to have someone steady. I mature enough to realize that.Good for you! Maybe you'll find someone in the diary industry? Aw! Tell her I wish you two lots of luv!Will do! In fact I've just got to go now and meet her at the train station (she's on her way back from class). Cheers! Brit
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I've just made a slight edit at the end of my last post on the convention adventure.
Just to be consistant with DBP's charecter.
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quote: Originally posted by Britannica: Chant,
seriously, PMed you right back there down under mate!!!
and regarding my accidents in the military, dont worry, none of it has had any permanent sideeffects, and I was just unfortunate, very unfortunate considering that we did´nt really do anything
see ya, I´m off to see Pirates of the Carribean
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quote: Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
Oh, and if any of you guys read JSA...my name will be in issue 53. Don Kramer said he took it and drew on some graffiti. How cool is that! Just in time to celebrate my one year aniversery of reading comics. And when is the JLR's aniversery comming up? I should make a cake...
Now that's just friggin' cool! How the heck did you get to know Don Kramer?