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#209391 2003-10-10 7:12 PM
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Wed & CJ (Your Moderatorships)

PM sent to both to you.


#209392 2003-10-11 2:54 AM
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and now....

for something completely different...


#209393 2003-10-12 6:39 PM
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Well that's a vast improvement on the last two pictures.

#209394 2003-10-12 7:07 PM
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Our quest to be the topic with the most posts is not going well.

Election Watch (on the Legion Boards) is up to 1000 replies (mainly thanks to the efforts of The Franta and MrJLA)

Teabags is now up to 1849 replies...

Perhaps I should re-post the Starsky-Hutch Award nomination rules in one-worded posts? That could work...? [mwah hwah haa]

#209395 2003-10-13 8:38 AM
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You think that you´ve escaped Chantanian Law? Do you Brit?
Think again, as you well know, Chantania is a dictatorship and I´ll just have you on trial anyway [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa]

well, to business, I am using a different computer as my own seems to have a problem with logging on to the internet. Oddly enough I have no problem playing on the Internet. But Internet explorer, Icq, MSN and all related programs does not work. This prevents me from doing anything on the Internet except playing, I cannot download anything, I cannot search for anything and I cannot post anything. So the story JLR/Avengers will have to wait until I have repaired the damage to my computer, which can, and will take a long time since I have no access to the net

Obviously, this sucks

and another thing, don´t bother giving me advice on how to deal with it because I probably won´t be able to be online for a very long time, as I am once again dependent on friends and public internet services as long as this crisis continues.

Well, that´s it, I´ll let you know when I am once again capable of logging on to the Net

#209396 2003-10-14 2:21 AM
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Hang on but if you can't be around to hold the trial, the only logical outcome is Mistrial! [biiiig grin] Case dismissed.

But seriously. That sucks. [sad] Hope you get up and running soon.

First, Wednesday who still has to post the last bit of the Room of Spirit and Time. Now Chant, who is supposed to do the Avengers battle...

This is an ICQ thing isn't it? [izzat so?]

#209397 2003-10-14 2:50 AM
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Originally posted by Britannica:
Well that's a vast improvement on the last two pictures.

Lemme try another....


#209398 2003-10-19 3:49 AM
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Originally posted by Britannica:

Wed & CJ (Your Moderatorships)

PM sent to both to you.


PM received and replied to.

Also, e-mail.

#209399 2003-10-18 7:50 PM
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Hey guys (and girl [nyah hah] ). Just making my "monthly" post.  -  -

Originally posted by Chant:
well, to business, I am using a different computer as my own seems to have a problem with logging on to the internet. Oddly enough I have no problem playing on the Internet. But Internet explorer, Icq, MSN and all related programs does not work. This prevents me from doing anything on the Internet except playing, I cannot download anything, I cannot search for anything and I cannot post anything. So the story JLR/Avengers will have to wait until I have repaired the damage to my computer, which can, and will take a long time since I have no access to the net

Obviously, this sucks

and another thing, don´t bother giving me advice on how to deal with it because I probably won´t be able to be online for a very long time, as I am once again dependent on friends and public internet services as long as this crisis continues.

Well, that´s it, I´ll let you know when I am once again capable of logging on to the Net

That's to bad Chant. Although it does give me more time to work on my part of the JLR/Avengers battle. I'm having an unbelievably hard time. Not only do I not read Avengers but I don't read any Marvel!

#209400 2003-10-18 7:59 PM
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Hey Ace,

Glad to see ya.

Wednesday and I should finish the Room of Spirit and Time in the next day or two (depending on Wednesday's internet connection).

Sorry for the delays everyone.

Ace, we haven't seen The La for a while. Do you know if he's still around or do you know how to contact him? (I remember you two were going to do some work together...)


#209401 2003-10-19 2:26 AM
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La IMed me earlier today concerning a certain football game...but as I was out of the apartment, I didn't actually talk to him. I'll try and contact him tomorrow.

#209402 2003-10-19 8:54 AM
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Just wanted to make sure he's OK, that's all.

#209403 2003-10-20 10:57 AM
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Got your PMs and e-mails, Brit. Thanks.

Not having internet at home sucks.

#209404 2003-10-21 9:13 AM
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That's right kiddo's...
There's only one week to go to e-mail Rob with your
2003 Starsky-Hutch Award NOMINATIONS

Fellow Nominators,

Remember, the deadline for us to send our Stage 2 nominations to Robis 8pm (Board time), Tuesday 28th October!

The Nominators:
  • Ace
  • Britannica
  • Chant
  • Cowgirl Jack
  • dun_like_dinner
  • La Machine
  • Registered Member #552
  • Wednesday
  • (young) Nightwing

All nominations sent to Rob will then be included in the Offical Awards Poll that All members of the RKMB are eligible to vote in.

So, please have a look at the following stories, have a think and e-mail Rob!


Favorite Main Story
List is fixed and does not require nominations


Favorite Character (Main)
List is fixed and does not require nominations.
The list will be included in the voting poll from Wednesday 29th October.


Favorite Character(s) (Secondary)
Nominators can make any TWO nominations from the list below...
Please feel free to nominate any other secondary character not included on this list. Other characters you wish to nominate must be included in storylines by Wednesday 22nd October 2003
  • Ace Rimmer
  • Alice and Beatrice/ 'Amy and 'Bridget'/ CJ-She-Chant clone/ Harpy II
  • Amazing Harry, The
  • Animals of Chantania and Doesntreallyexistia/ ACDC (Sue-ee the Pig, Nick the Porcupine, Peter the Amazing Spider-Monkey)
  • Bill Clinton
  • Doctor at hospital (operated on Britannica)
  • Bundy Bear
  • Chantania War Council (Gererlissimo, Hauptamannpriest)
  • Chantina, Princess of Chantania
  • Contest Announcer, The
  • Contest Crowd, The
  • Court of Doesntreallyexistia (Royal Advisor, Court Musician, Royal Guards)
  • Cynthia the Librarian (False King of Doesntreallyexistia)
  • Dakota/ Hoppy the Wonder Rabbit/ Hoppy the Marvel Bunny
  • Dende and Mr. Popo
  • Di Bat Pho/ De Khi Pho/ Di Ga Pho/ Di Cho Pho/ Alley
  • 'False' Batman/ Bruce Wayne
  • 'False' Formerly Known as the Justice League
  • 'False' Hawkman/ Carter Hall
  • 'False' Hush/ Bandaged Man
  • 'False' Hulk and the Defenders
  • 'False' Martian Manhunter
  • 'False' Multiple Man
  • 'False' Power Girl
  • 'False' Rogue
  • 'False' Spiderman
  • 'False' Superboy and Young Justice
  • 'False' Wonder Woman
  • gods of Partyon (Refundus, Teasa, Entertainus, etc.)
  • Inanimate objects (Hotel closet door, Hotel door, Cowgirl Jack's frying pan, Harpy's egg, etc.)
  • Innocent mother pushing a pram, looking up at the falling wall heading straight for her/ Innocent mother who was pushing a pram, looking up at the falling wall, which was heading straight for her
  • JLR Animals/ JLR ASK Force (Buttercup, Esmerelda, Napoleon)
  • King RM552.5, King of Doesntreallyexistia
  • King Chantawanta, King of Chantania
  • Kory/ Starfire
  • Larry, the taxi cab driver
  • Larry, the JLR's ex-con parolee gardener
  • Mr. Misinformation
  • Narrator, The
  • Paper Golems, The
  • Pig Iron
  • Pirate Pete
  • Reggie/ Reginald Farquhart-Sindgeon-Smyth-Jones/ the official-looking official
  • Reporters, The (Brock Kentman, Lois Lang, Reporter 13A, Reporter #20, etc.)
  • She-Chant/ Chantyana
  • Superfly Sr.
  • Toxic Bob/ Bob the Evil US Postal worker-type minion
  • Venessa and the Hooters Girls
  • Zeus and the gods of Olympus
  • Zues


Favorite Poster (Pre-crisis)
List is fixed and does not require nominations.
This category covers posters who made two or more posts in the DCMB, who do not contribute to the adventures of the JLR in the RKMB. List will be included in voting poll.


Favorite Poster (Post-crisis)
List is fixed and does not require nominations.
List will be included in voter poll.


Favorite Mini-Story/ Battle
Nominators may make up to THREE nominations in this category including any CONCLUDED mini-stories or battles that are posted by Wednesday 22nd October 2003. A mini-story is any story arc consisting of at least two posts but smaller than a main story (see above list). A battle is any fight between two or more characters.

When you e-mail Rob your nominations, please include the adventure name and page number(s).


Favorite Single Post
Nominators may make up to THREE moninations in this category (TWO minimum). If nominations are made, they must include one post made by YOU and one post made by ANOTHER poster. A third, optional nomination can be made for any post (by YOU or ANOTHER poster). Posts must be made by Wednesday 22nd October 2003 to be eligible.

When you e-mail Rob your nominations, please include:
  • the adventure name
  • the name of the person made the post
  • page number
  • or provide a link to the post itself (if you can).


Remember individual posts, secondary characters and CONCLUDED mini-stories/battles that are posted by 11:59pm and 59 seconds (board time)Wednesday 22nd October 2003 (yes that's tomorrow) are only eligible to be nominated.

#209405 2003-10-21 11:06 AM
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Hi all,

You may have noticed when you entered the Hero Headquarters board, that there is a new Moderator listed.

"What!?! Why do we need another one?", I hear you ask.

Originally the plan was for CJ to set up Stage 3 of the Starsky-Hutch Awards - the voting poll. Unfortunately due to CJ's family commitments next week, CJ is no longer able to set it up.

Plan B was obviously for Wednesday to do it, but unfortunately he is still experiencing technical difficulties at the moment.

So to ensure that the Starsky-Hutch Awards remain on schedule, Gob (aka Rob, aka The Moderator) has granted yours-truely "emergency back-up temporary moderator" status, just in case.

Um, I had better go practice my voting poll setting up ability... [gulp!]

That is all.

Your "Plan C" Moderator.

#209406 2003-10-21 4:32 PM
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HE`S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anyhoo, finally got my computer fixed, had to reinstall xp allover again [...rassamnfrackin...] [...rassamnfrackin...]

but now I´m all set, and ready to do stuff again, just have to get back all those programs I used to have....

yeah well, whatdayaknow, it happens.....

cya later alligators

#209407 2003-10-21 9:41 PM
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Good to see you back in action!

#209408 2003-10-22 6:15 AM
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(Making a lot of "hmmm, aha, uhuh, strrrraaa and other noices" whilst rumaging through the various harddrives on computer"

It appears that this problem with my computer had greater consequences than expected, these are dire news.....

it appears that my reinstalling xp has destroyed several backup files on my other harddrives "strange and impossible as it sounds" including the JLR/Avengers posts....but I will keep looking for them as I would hate writing them all over, though that could be the solution to my writing block.....


#209409 2003-10-22 7:27 AM
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Fear not, Chant old chap. I think I still have them somewhere....

I'll have a look and PM them to you.

#209410 2003-10-22 7:39 AM
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Um OK. I only had posts 1 and 6 in my PM file... I've PM'ed them back to you.

I may have the others at home on my hard-drive (or at least printed out), but I am at my Mum's tonight (it's now 9:40pm Wed 22/10/03 in Australia) and I won't be home till tomorrow evening to check.

[um....  uh huh! ...  ]

#209411 2003-10-22 8:56 AM
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#209412 2003-10-22 2:16 PM
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I mean, wowowowowowow! You know, this mix of zannyness, random humor, and serious battle-ish-ness is a pretty good formula for us. Give me about two weeks and I think I'll be caught up enough in school to really let out my inner cowgirl!

#209413 2003-10-23 3:22 AM
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Thank you, CJ, I appreciate that a lot.

I made a few very minor changes, but nothing worth a reread. The new stuff is mostly for the kids that'll read our stories years from now and wonder what we were smokin'.

#209414 2003-10-23 3:31 AM
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Brit, e-mail :) .

#209415 2003-10-23 2:54 AM
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Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:

I mean, wowowowowowow! You know, this mix of zannyness, random humor, and serious battle-ish-ness is a pretty good formula for us. Give me about two weeks and I think I'll be caught up enough in school to really let out my inner cowgirl!

jeez, that's not going to influence the judges. [wink] [nyah hah]

#209416 2003-10-23 4:19 AM
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[gulp!] Should read my e-mails first. Slight title change to the Epilogue, everybody... [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

Due to Wednesday and Chant loosing their internet connection, thus delaying the Convention adventure (and more specifically The Room of Spirit and Time and the Avengers battle), would anyone object if we gave Chant until Monday midnight (board time) to get his Avengers battle posted so his stuff can be eligible for the Awards?

If everyone is cool with this, that would mean the Avengers battle and characters would also be eligible for the favorite post, favorite mini-story / battle and favorite secondery character categories.

Any objections, post now or forever hold your peace.

Chant, I'll be home from work in another 3 hours, so I'll e-mail you the rest of your stuff asap!

In the meantime - get writing!!

#209417 2003-10-23 8:25 AM
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Hi Chant,

E-mail - with attachment [biiiig grin]

#209418 2003-10-23 8:43 AM
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Um, CJ.

E-mail - also with attachment.

#209419 2003-10-23 10:11 AM
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Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:

Give me about two weeks and I think I'll be caught up enough in school to really let out my inner cowgirl!

Didn't really have time to respond before, CJ, but it's good to know you'll be back writing in a few weeks. Believe me, I know how school life can slow your JLR'ing down [eh... i dunno... ] .

#209420 2003-10-23 10:12 AM
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Originally posted by Britannica:

Due to Wednesday and Chant loosing their internet connection, thus delaying the Convention adventure (and more specifically The Room of Spirit and Time and the Avengers battle), would anyone object if we gave Chant until Monday midnight (board time) to get his Avengers battle posted so his stuff can be eligible for the Awards?

If everyone is cool with this, that would mean the Avengers battle and characters would also be eligible for the favorite post, favorite mini-story / battle and favorite secondery character categories.

Any objections, post now or forever hold your peace.

I vote yay, especially since the delay is mostly my fault...

#209421 2003-10-23 10:15 AM
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Originally posted by Britannica:
Hi Chant,

E-mail - with attachment [biiiig grin]

I thank thee Britannica

Though it was unneccesary as I found them myself

but still, I appreciate your help [wink]

#209422 2003-10-23 5:01 PM
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Originally posted by Wednesday:
Didn't really have time to respond before, CJ, but it's good to know you'll be back writing in a few weeks. Believe me, I know how school life can slow your JLR'ing down [eh... i dunno... ] .

Life (and lack of internet connection) always gets in the way of Reality [no no no]

#209423 2003-10-23 5:03 PM
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Originally posted by Chant:
I thank thee Britannica

Though it was unneccesary as I found them myself

but still, I appreciate your help [wink]

Um... no problems, Chant. Anyhoo....

Get posting!

no presure.... [nyah hah]

#209424 2003-10-23 10:02 PM
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Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:

Give me about two weeks and I think I'll be caught up enough in school to really let out my inner cowgirl!

Didn't really have time to respond before, CJ, but it's good to know you'll be back writing in a few weeks. Believe me, I know how school life can slow your JLR'ing down [eh... i dunno... ] .
Thanks! It's been a drag, because I have all these insane (but very cool) ideas for us. Plus, *ahem* the boys came back to town after the summer, so hunting season's begun, if you catch my drift...but I forgot to eat over the weekend while studying, and I locked myself in the office for four hours a day the past week. Not fun.

#209425 2003-10-23 10:33 PM
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Is that Rabbit season or Duck season, CJ?

#209426 2003-10-24 10:47 AM
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Brit, PM.

Page 28, yay!

#209427 2003-10-24 12:51 PM
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Man Season, Brit, Man Season. All weapons allowed, no bag limit, it's great!

(Oh and if you do decide not to be a mod wait till AFTER the entire anniversery is over...just to be safe).

Oh yay, I have to work a garage sale tomorrow...zzzzzzzzzzz... [wink]

#209428 2003-10-24 1:47 PM
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A garage sale?, wait, the other thing, Tedius.....


I am currently hard at work on finishing the JLR/Avengers battle, I´ve finished Wednesday, CJ, almost done with LA Machine and next comes Midnight Spectre, so I think It goes rather well, I´m feeling inspired tonight.

#209429 2003-10-24 4:22 PM
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A garage sale seems to be a strange location to go man hunting, CJ... [eh?]

I thought only middle-aged married men (or those living with their mothers) turned up to those things? [eh... i dunno... ] Oh well, you never know, you might get lucky and the married couples will bring their 20-something sons with them. [yuh huh]

Good luck. [wink]

Oh and a p.s....
I'll remain on emergency-back-up temporary moderator duty, until I am no longer required.
:) Brit

#209430 2003-10-24 4:26 PM
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Originally posted by Chant:
I am currently hard at work on finishing the JLR/Avengers battle, I´ve finished Wednesday, CJ, almost done with LA Machine and next comes Midnight Spectre, so I think It goes rather well, I´m feeling inspired tonight.

Glad to hear Chant! Looking forward to the battle

Though no Ace...? no RM552...? no Brit...? [sad]

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