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Britannica #209671 2004-02-14 10:37 AM
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Britannica said:
Yay Chant!!!

Well Done!!!

Is your new job in construction or did you get the postal job?

why thank you Brit.

No, I'm going to make window curtain thingies, something with aluminium. Pretty easy though, all I have to do is to program the computer, change the tools, feed the machine, and it does the rest itself.
I have to make sure it's accurate though since they have a very strict quality control.
but anyway, it pays fifty percent more than my previous job!!!

Racks be to MisterJLA
Chant #209672 2004-02-19 2:32 PM
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Brit, PM...

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Okay, update on the death of the JLR. I'm done with my portion of the outline and I've gotten some of the writing done. Brit and I still have to get together and discuss our plans to tie up the one-billion and a half dangling plot lines left in the story. I've got a few ideas, but there is still a lot of work to be done...

Britannica, give me a week or two and I'll send you everything I have. We'll go back and forth that way. It might take a little longer than live and direct IMs, but e-mail seems to be the way to get this thing done.

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Holy crap -- you guys are really making this story-writing thing very complicated, aren't you? Don't go down that road too far, people -- it only leads to ruin and misery.

Just post what you want and have fun enjoying collaborative writing.

Anyway, just ignore me. I'm speaking out of my ass.

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The Time Trust said:

Anyway, just ignore me. I'm speaking out of my ass.

We'll do just that then

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Chant #209676 2004-02-26 8:20 PM
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But he's right.

Ruin and misery, people, ruin and misery....

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Ace #209677 2004-02-28 3:09 PM
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I have no idea what that meant.

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Wednesday said:
I have no idea what that meant.

ahh well, let's just ignore it anyways...

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Chant #209679 2004-03-03 11:12 AM
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Hey guys,

How's it going?

Wednesday, I never seem to be able to catch up with you these days... are you still online?

We should just get on with posting. Even though it looks like it is just the four of us now... you never know. I've really missed writing for the JLR.

If Wednesday doesn't mind I would like to wrap up the JLR TASK Force battle with the IRG to tie-up Chants plot holes with Hoppy.

I'll probably do this Friday, if that's cool with you guys?

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Britannica #209680 2004-03-03 12:08 PM
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Just to confirm who is still on-board as a JLR member (see also writer)....

JLRer's ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!

Britannica, present and accounted for!

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Britannica #209681 2004-03-03 1:46 PM
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Tis' I!!!


aka Chant

I am always here......

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Britannica said:
Hey guys,

How's it going?

Wednesday, I never seem to be able to catch up with you these days... are you still online?

We should just get on with posting. Even though it looks like it is just the four of us now... you never know. I've really missed writing for the JLR.

If Wednesday doesn't mind I would like to wrap up the JLR TASK Force battle with the IRG to tie-up Chants plot holes with Hoppy.

I'll probably do this Friday, if that's cool with you guys?

plot holes

Racks be to MisterJLA
Chant #209683 2004-03-03 1:53 PM
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Chant said:

plot holes


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Hoppy was turned into a normal bunny, just like froggy was turned into a normal frog, I don't see where the plot holes are

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Still an average-sized member.

It should be obvious to anyone with a functional left brain that I haven't written for a good while, though.

During the second half of The Convention Adventure I realized that a majority of the writers who made the jump from the DCMBs to the RKMBs were no longer contributing. Several members hadn't posted in months, and the posts we did see from them were short and did nothing more than keep their characters in the story.

After a little prying I found out that many of the missing members simply missed the old write-whatever-the-fuck-we-feel-like-writing method we had going in JLR: The Beginning. The majority of the JLR wants less structure and more fun, and I can live with that.

I have to admit I think I'm chiefly responsible for the shift to long, structured storylines. I helped bog down the writing process because a) I hoped it would attract more writers, and b) outside the JLR, that's how I write. I wanted to correct my past mistake, so I stopped posting to the story in hopes that the fun (and the posters) would return.

But that didn't happen.

Instead we had two people writing. Two of the ten or so writers who helped start and/or expressed interest in contributing to this thing. I wasn't happy with that at all. That's why I had no problem with the idea of killing the team and putting it out of its misery.

If Brit wants the JLR to continue, then I'll go along. I'll contibute every so often, but not like before. I don't want to monopolize the JLR like I did with the last story. I want to see the old guys contribute. I think some of the funniest and best posts were the old ones from La Machine, Ace, (young), RM, blah, blah, and blah. It's probably too late to get every one of the old heads back, but it would be peachy.

Finally, use shampoo. I can practically see the dandruff from atop this soapbox.

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I'm back, fatigue and all. I don't want to see the JLR stall the way the Tuck-In fundraiser has on this campus.

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Tuck-in fundrasier!?!

Is that like a bed-in or something? Where you go around and tuck your fellow students into bed at night?

Good to see you on board, Midnight!

And you too, Chant!

Sorry about the claim that you create plot-holes. I just have to do a back-flash with Hoppy and the rest of JLR-TASK Force, before Hoppy and the Narrator are transported away, and Hoppy loses his power.

That's all

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Britannica #209688 2004-03-05 12:41 PM
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Racks be to MisterJLA
Chant #209689 2004-03-05 3:56 PM
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You people and your smilies .

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I like smilies, they're good people.

And that's terrible.
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They are lot nicer then smellies

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As if .

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Hey guys. I'm going to try to right something in for the CSF Story we had a while ago a little later tonight alright.

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Ace #209694 2004-03-08 7:59 PM
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Chant #209696 2004-03-09 2:19 AM
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So, I think that sometime soon I'll be posting the first chapter in my scifi story, which I will call "Future Times"

Well, as I said, the first chapter is almost finished

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Chant #209698 2004-03-09 8:16 AM
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hey wed and brit!

GET TO WORK you two, JLR War has been thrown down to page 2

this is not good, no no no, not good at all.

We must claim this forum in one last attempt for supremacy against those who would do evil (whoever that may be?)

naaah, seriously, it would be nice though, to see an ending sometime.........(why the hell am I complaining, it took me nearly 4 months to write a single battle for the convention )

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Chant #209699 2004-03-09 2:33 PM
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I like your Future Times story so far, Chant. Can't wait for the next part.

One favor, please: double space between paragraphs. Right now, it's very hard to read with everything jumbled together like that.

Chant #209700 2004-03-09 2:36 PM
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Chant said:
hey wed and brit!

GET TO WORK you two, JLR War has been thrown down to page 2

this is not good, no no no, not good at all.

Yeah, I noticed that the other day, too.

Sorry about the delay, folks. It's been much tougher for Brit and I to get together and put this thing out, especially now that both our lives are much busier. Don't worry, though. Most of what's left is figuring out ways around the huge plot discrepencies between what's been written for this story and what's been written before.

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Chant, PMs.

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Brit, PM..

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I haven't been able to write my part for the story yet. The screen on my computer went kablooey and I had to get a new one. I should have it by some time this weekend.

I'm liking you're story a lot too Chant.

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Ace #209704 2004-03-16 1:43 AM
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Alright I wrote the first half of my part. i should get the rest by tomorrow. I'm setting it up for Hybrids entrance into the team. What do you think so far?

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Hey boys,

I'll post if you still want me to (I've been sleeping around with those Vanguard boys, after all, so you may not forgive me). I know the problem I had with the last story is I simply had no idea what to write. I just read the story and had no idea how to contribute.


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Cowgirl Jack said:
Hey boys,

I'll post if you still want me to (I've been sleeping around with those Vanguard boys, after all, so you may not forgive me).
The Cowgirl


naah, it's cool

you just pop in and write something whenever you want

anyhoo, if any of you people care, I should get started on chapter two in Future Times today........

I also have a good idea for an elseworlds (if you can call it that ) for the JLR, though it's going to be short

but anyhoo, here's signing of from Chant, and I won't be back anytime least a few minutes

Racks be to MisterJLA
Chant #209707 2004-03-16 8:37 PM
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Ace, great post and glad to see you back, but Chant's no longer a good guy.

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Ah alright I'll have to edit that part out then. Shouldn't be to hard. I got a little behind and must've thought he was King Chantawanta or something.

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Ace #209709 2004-03-16 9:06 PM
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...and if that little speech I put in my post sounds familiar to anyone it might be because I lifted most of it straight from Batmans speech about Plasticman in JLA.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a plagarising hack, blah blah blah... what.

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Wednesday said:
Brit, PM..

PM back at ya!

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