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Dragon EmpressFrom Fanfic.net. Has links to her works.
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Now there is one more person from The Coming Soon boards. Her name is Kitty. Kitty also has her own website with fan fiction and poetry. However, I'm not too sure about this one, as she appears to be 15 years old. With the adult content on other areas of the RKMB, I’m not sure we should approach her yet. Give it a couple of more years, perhaps?
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A bit closer to home... From our very own RKMB, I present... NurikoK98
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Any of the Penultimate MBLersThese are the characters appearing in Penultimate MBL. Not the Evil MBL, currently appearing in the Vanguard stories. The Time Trust, Grimm and Kristogar Velo are more familiar with the JLR and have each made several appearances on the Talk Thread. And the JLR gave the MBL/Vanguard crowd half a jar of vegemite for Kristogar Velo's services. I think it is high time we collected.
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Britannica said: Then there is Firebird herself...
Anyone who writes about cannibalistic bunny slippers and Writers controlling reality is already a shoe-in in my opinion.
This one is ABSOLUTELY perfect!!!
cannibalistic bunny slippers are the JLRian way, all the way!
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Britannica said: Any of the Penultimate MBLers
These are the characters appearing in Penultimate MBL. Not the Evil MBL, currently appearing in the Vanguard stories.
The Time Trust, Grimm and Kristogar Velo are more familiar with the JLR and have each made several appearances on the Talk Thread.
And the JLR gave the MBL/Vanguard crowd half a jar of vegemite for Kristogar Velo's services.
I think it is high time we collected.
Precisely, we demand our due!!! 
I think I shall soon go and demand our ownership of the one called "Kristogar Velo"
We payed good vegimite for him damn it!!!
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As some of you probably know, I've begun playing a miniature game called Warhammer 40000, a game taking place in the 41st millinium, laser rifles and all that! well, if some of you wants to read something really funny about it, a comic strip actually, here's a link, they're hilarious I tell you! Turnsignals on a landraider
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So in summary: Remember, we probably won't get responses from all of these people, so please feel free to add others you may come accross, to the list. Ta! Brit
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Chant said:
Britannica said: Any of the Penultimate MBLers
These are the characters appearing in Penultimate MBL. Not the Evil MBL, currently appearing in the Vanguard stories.
The Time Trust, Grimm and Kristogar Velo are more familiar with the JLR and have each made several appearances on the Talk Thread.
And the JLR gave the MBL/Vanguard crowd half a jar of vegemite for Kristogar Velo's services.
I think it is high time we collected.
Precisely, we demand our due!!! 
I think I shall soon go and demand our ownership of the one called "Kristogar Velo"
We payed good vegimite for him damn it!!!
Go sick 'im Chant!
Plus they owe us a member to replace CJ with! 
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I've come up with a list of writers from the fanfic site and should have it up by tommorow with links to their works.
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How bout Stupid Dogg? He writes some great stories on the forums and I think he might just fit in.
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Ace said:
I've come up with a list of writers from the fanfic site and should have it up by tommorow with links to their works.
Great stuff, Ace. Looking forward to seeing who you come up with.
Hybrid said:
How bout Stupid Dogg? He writes some great stories on the forums and I think he might just fit in.
I haven't seen any of his work. But consider him added to the list.
Ta Hybrid!
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Hybrid said: How bout Stupid Dogg? He writes some great stories on the forums and I think he might just fit in.
I'll vouch for that. His stories are top notch.
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Hey Everyone, The latest installment of JLR: The Wedding is available. Ta! Brit
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Hi everyone, Here are my nominations. These are from the Superhero Hype boards. Bapman His story, Four criminals, two hitmen and a bank managerand bored – League of Extraordinary Gentlemen fan fiction And what's the latest with JLR vs Vanguard?
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Thanks Cent, Hybrid and Ace for the links.
I've only had a chance to read Stupid Dogg's 1st Anthology, but gee, what an anthology!  That guy is brilliant!
But does anyone have a very small box we can keep him, between posts? If he only writes when he's depressed...?
Had a quick look at the other's works.
Really liked Bapman's story.
Also Lord Benjamin's A tough day for superheroes story.
Spandex Monkey Man sounds fun
Lizard Man already has the moves (and the lingo) for JLR.
Ghimpy G already has experience dealing with unruly Narrators. Would be very handy.
And I really enjoyed Nikira's Aesthetically Pleasing Warrior, Officer Aries story.
I wouldn't want to discount any of the others, though. Because I enjoyed their stuff too.
But what does everyone else think?
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Book 'em.
Like I said, I think SD is a great writer. However, being a great writer doesn't mean being a great writer for the JLR. His writings aren't exactly overflowing in the comedy department and he only writes when he's depressed. He's got the talent, but can he roll with the theme?
I've got nothing against him if he thinks he's up for it. I'm just not gonna get my hopes up.
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Thats kind of a good JLRian power. His powers only kick in when hes got the blues.
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Can you play the blues Fused?
Just to let you know I've added Britannica's bio to JLR: Secret Files and Origins.
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Hi all, Here is the e-mail I propose to send to our list of recruits from other boards/sites. I'll probably do something different for those from the RKMB. Anyhoo, what do you all think? Should I add something else, leave other stuff out??? Ta! Brit ---------------------- <Insert name of poster here - inoph> is going about their daily business, when suddenly a portal opens above them. <inoph> hears a yell of distress.... Agggghhhhh!!!!!! ...and looks up to see a body hurtling towards him/her. <inoph>: Eek! <inoph> side steps out of the way, just as the hurtling body falls out of the portal and lands in a heap on the ground. *thud*Man on ground: oof. <inoph>: Are you OK? Man: [slowly getting to his feet] Yes... ow... thankyou... eek... everything's... ooo.... under.... ah.... control... <inoph>: Oh good. I'll see you later then. Man: Wait <inoph>! <inoph>: Hey! How do you know my name? Who are you anyway? Man: How do you do, allow me to introduce myself. I am Britannica - the Superhero Librarian... <inoph>: Hey, if it's about that overdue book... Britannica: No. No. I'm not here for that. <inoph>: Phew... Britannica: I represent a team of heroes called the JLR... <inoph>: The JLR!?! Huh? Britannica: The Justice League Reality. We handle the real cases no other superhero team will touch. Mail masters of Mayhem and their Evil US Postal Worker-type Minions, Giant Paper Golems, evil doppelgangers, psychotic bunnies, unruly narrators, teammates gone mad. You know how it is... <inoph>: Uh... yeah... sure... Britannica: Anyhoo, I have travelled from my message board, the Rob Kamphausen Message Board, to speak to you. I've been following your exploits... <inoph>: You've been stalking me!?! Britannica: No! No.... well maybe... just a little... okay, yes. But it's OK, I'm married! <inoph>: And that makes it better, you pervert? Britannica: Look this isn't what you think. A few of our members have disappeared. And a few more aren't returning our calls. My teammates and I have seen your work and think it's great. So I've come to ask you if you would be interested in becoming a member of the JLR? <inoph>: So now you're spaming me! Britannica: Look, take these... Britannica hands <inoph> several weighty tomes... <inoph>: [reading the titles] JLR: In the beginning... (A.K.A.: Can I Be In The Justice League, Too? -- From the DC Comic Message Board)The Justice League Reality - Message Board JLR: The Convention Adventure JLR War (unfinished, but we're getting there... honest) JLR: The Wedding (Britannica's solo adventure, featuring the JLR) (work in progress) JLR vs the CSF! (current storyline of choice) Britannica: These are records of our exploits. Have a read through them, if you like what you see and think you're up to the challenge, leave a message on our JLR Talk Thread and we'll arrange to pick you up. Britannica uses his Information Gateway Ability to open another portal. Britannica: Anyhoo, got to run. Hope to hear from you soon! Ta! Britannica steps into the portal, quickly popping his head back out... Britannica: Oh, and just one more thing... While the JLR are a PG group (just the occasional cuss or intimate situation), some areas of the RKMB do contain adult content, so if you are easily offended or underage, I do not recommend you come over. Ta again! And with that Britannica is gone. <inoph>: Hey, what about the dental program!?!
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As mayor of Drugachusettes I declare that post to be. . . . .AWESOME! ! !
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It's funny cuz it's true.
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Thanks lads.
So do we have any other takers?
So far we have:
And from the RKMB:
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Carpet bomb all the chicks with that post. JLR is Sausage-palooza '99.
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It's funny cuz it's true..
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Hey guys, I've sent pm's and e-mails to - BountyHuntress (and Selenity)
- Peggy
- Seraph
- Firebird
- TheCostumer
I'll have to do the rest later. So clean up the Talk Thread of Justice and be on our best behaviour.... nevermind  Ta! Stephen
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best behavior?
they'll be lucky if i don't hit 'em with a few David Hasselhoff/ Gary Coleman pics.
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or Elmer Fudd, don't forget Elmer Fudd!! oh, and another thing, what does "best behaviour" mean? 
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Lot's and lot's of hazing, the moment they get here.
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Time to pull out the Wang of Justice.
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Britannica said: Hi all,
Here is the e-mail I propose to send to our list of recruits from other boards/sites.
I'll probably do something different for those from the RKMB.
Anyhoo, what do you all think? Should I add something else, leave other stuff out???
<Insert name of poster here - inoph> is going about their daily business, when suddenly a portal opens above them.
<inoph> hears a yell of distress....
...and looks up to see a body hurtling towards him/her.
<inoph>: Eek!
<inoph> side steps out of the way, just as the hurtling body falls out of the portal and lands in a heap on the ground.
Man on ground: oof.
<inoph>: Are you OK?
Man: [slowly getting to his feet] Yes... ow... thankyou... eek... everything's... ooo.... under.... ah.... control...
<inoph>: Oh good. I'll see you later then.
Man: Wait <inoph>!
<inoph>: Hey! How do you know my name? Who are you anyway?
Man: How do you do, allow me to introduce myself. I am Britannica - the Superhero Librarian...
<inoph>: Hey, if it's about that overdue book...
Britannica: No. No. I'm not here for that.
<inoph>: Phew...
Britannica: I represent a team of heroes called the JLR...
<inoph>: The JLR!?! Huh?
Britannica: The Justice League Reality. We handle the real cases no other superhero team will touch. Mail masters of Mayhem and their Evil US Postal Worker-type Minions, Giant Paper Golems, evil doppelgangers, psychotic bunnies, unruly narrators, teammates gone mad. You know how it is...
<inoph>: Uh... yeah... sure...
Britannica: Anyhoo, I have travelled from my message board, the Rob Kamphausen Message Board, to speak to you. I've been following your exploits...
<inoph>: You've been stalking me!?!
Britannica: No! No.... well maybe... just a little... okay, yes. But it's OK, I'm married!
<inoph>: And that makes it better, you pervert?
Britannica: Look this isn't what you think. A few of our members have disappeared. And a few more aren't returning our calls. My teammates and I have seen your work and think it's great. So I've come to ask you if you would be interested in becoming a member of the JLR?
<inoph>: So now you're spaming me!
Britannica: Look, take these...
Britannica hands <inoph> several weighty tomes...
<inoph>: [reading the titles]
JLR: In the beginning... (A.K.A.: Can I Be In The Justice League, Too? -- From the DC Comic Message Board)
The Justice League Reality - Message Board
JLR: The Convention Adventure
JLR War (unfinished, but we're getting there... honest)
JLR: The Wedding (Britannica's solo adventure, featuring the JLR) (work in progress)
JLR vs the CSF! (current storyline of choice)
Britannica: These are records of our exploits. Have a read through them, if you like what you see and think you're up to the challenge, leave a message on our JLR Talk Thread and we'll arrange to pick you up.
Britannica uses his Information Gateway Ability to open another portal.
Britannica: Anyhoo, got to run. Hope to hear from you soon! Ta!
Britannica steps into the portal, quickly popping his head back out...
Britannica: Oh, and just one more thing... While the JLR are a PG group (just the occasional cuss or intimate situation), some areas of the RKMB do contain adult content, so if you are easily offended or underage, I do not recommend you come over. Ta again!
And with that Britannica is gone.
<inoph>: Hey, what about the dental program!?!
Nice. So ummm, now we just..... wait? 
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Well.... um yes.  Unfortunately I haven't had time to send it to the others yet. It's Library Week here in Australia, so I was at an ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) function last night. And tonight I'm teaching at college... So the others might not get their until tomorrow...  I'll check my home e-mail, see if the first lot responded there.
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how'd that work out, there?
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Hey All,
Last night I was able to PM:
- TyRoss
- droidguy1119
- Bapman
So far this morning, I have PMed:
I'm about to do some more,
However I thought you should know...
we have made contact...
From Bapman:
Ok...... so now what ???
I looked through the BOARDS...
sorry but I m not too good with them
So what do I do ??? 
We got one!
Nearly... I've just given him the basics of getting around, so hopefully, he'll be here soon.
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Chant and Elmer Fudd awaits his arrival anxiously 
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What this Elmer Fudd stuff?
Don't tell me he's in the CSF too?
Before I left for work I was able to send an e-mail to Dragon Empress.
The rest will be sent tonight.
However for the Penultimate MBL crowd, I am going to try something novel...
the first official talk thread adventure.
So Britannica walks up to the Penultimate MBL HQ...
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Britannica said:
However for the Penultimate MBL crowd, I am going to try something novel...
the first official talk thread adventure.
Hmmm... sounds interesting...

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Britannica said:
From Bapman: Ok...... so now what ???  I looked through the BOARDS...  sorry but I m not too good with them 
So what do I do ??? 
We got one! 
Nearly... I've just given him the basics of getting around, so hopefully, he'll be here soon.
Looks good. So where is he?
Get your butt out here, Bapman!
Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-BAPMAN! (sorry I couldn't resist... )
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