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And I should like to refer to Britannica the fact that Chant as a character, whilst not a member of the JLR, has indeed been around since the DCMB days (the good 'ol days  ) Therefore it is incorrect to assume that only the poster known as Chant has been contributing to the adventures of the JLR since the DCMB days. If mystical tome of "In the beginning" were to be browsed through, one would notice that the character known as Chant already appeared after this posters second or third post to the story. Therefore I shall stand by my argument that the post referred to in JLR: Secret files & Origions is still incorrect. Have a nice day 
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SpandexMonkeyMan said: Ah, but is Britannica the C-in-C?
Well lets see...
Britannica, Ace, Spandex Monkey Man, Wednesday, Fused, Hybrid and Transneapolitan are all out of the fight.
Chessmaster is now powerless.
TTT is helping innocent bystanders.
RM552 is back at the MLU.
And what happened to Midnight Spectre? 
By my rekoning that means Centrurian is now in charge. 
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Dear Chant. Yes we have established that you have been around since the DCMB days. However this does not make Chant (the character) an automatic member of the JLR. As was the case in the DCMB days, prior to becoming a member, posters were required to undertake a rigorous membership application process. Prior to your arrival on the scene two applicants had been rejected. One, a certain Any Given Wednesday, who was more successful on his second attempt, and of course Space Tart, who applied for membership twice and was rejected both times (please note that Space Tart did not have an entry on the membership roster). Shall we see how your good self approached the JLR… Quote:
Chant New Member posted December 05, 2002 07:10 AM
I WANNA BE THE VILLAIN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA THE WORLD IS MINE I AM INVINCIBLE, INVINCIBLE I SAY!!! "said the mouze to the elephant" Seriously, all superteams needs a villain, I´m perfect, I have military training, quite good at tactics and I never agree with anyone but myself. Chant
Not, I would like to join the JLR. But “I WANNA BE THE VILLAIN!!!”
Now I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, that there may have been the possibility that you were a little confused. You have certainly demonstrated that over the years. However, you quickly followed up your first post with the following:
Chant New Member posted December 05, 2002 07:15 AM
I should be the villain, I am perfect for the job
DJ Miker Dee asked, “Are you my ex-wife?”
midnightspectre ignored you.
nets4life (aka La Machine), suggested, “In the meantime, DAMN YOU CHAAAANT!!! How's that for my catchphrase against the villain?”
Now here was your opportunity to clear the decks, say “Hey guys, it’s the stock-standard superhero mistaken identity thing, I’m actually a hero and want to join the JLR”. But you did not. Instead you replied with:
Chant New Member posted December 06, 2002 02:53 AM
You will never defeat me!!! I am invincible!! Even now in my secret lair at the postoffice I am planning my revenge on the world.... Crap!!! I accidently unintentionally completely subconciously gave you the location of my secret lair....I am Thwarted "smelling a trap here?" Chant I am clumsine....ehhh evil incarnate!! Chant the bad guy
Well we have to acknowledge your honesty in the last post. 
super chief expressed his concern with “well if any evildoer try to atack us i hope somebody have the prep time to defeat him”.
This was followed up, by a certain Britannica, a recently appointed member of the JLR. Who said:
Britannica New Member posted December 06, 2002 06:39 AM
Hope you have found your friend, midnight! As nets4life said, I'm sure she will be OK. While you take care of the important things, the rest of us, will take care of the Chant! Though Chant tried to STAMP his villanous authority upon the world, we have him LICKED! We shall DELIVER righteous justice, to the would-be (POST)MASTER of the Free World. Though I am a bit confussed as to what Chant's actual plan is? And why revenge? What deed could have caused such hatred of humanity? Could it have been due to little Chant not getting that cute puppy he asked for one Christmas? I think this requires further investigation. . . Britannica
And how did you respond to this gesture of friendship, this chance at redemption?
Chant New Member posted December 06, 2002 07:07 AM
HAH!!! Britannica, You could´nt punch a Mosqitou offcourse.... hahahahahaha I shall defeat you all with my "SUPER DUPER ULTRA TECHNO BOMB" with no reset button.... Crap, no I die too.....AARRGGHHHH "hides behind the sofa hands covering ears" Next I shall destroy you googytushu band of would-be second hand heroes
"No offense, in case some of you are very easy to offend" I shall be back....Once I get away from the Psychiatric (is that spelled correctly?" Ward
That’s right. You tried to blow us up. (and for the record, no offence was taken).
And so forth and so on.
You attacked our Bachelor Pad of Justice on numerous occasions, you kidnapped our only female member, JMAngelo, riffled through her underwear draw and shot her into space, you made midnightspectre grow into a giant, you turned your’s truly temporarily evil and you tied Any Given Wednesday’s shoes together, amoungst other things. And ultimately you were responsible for our first HQ to be destroyed by your Giant Paper Golem.
These are not the actions of a member of the JLR, but those of an arch enemy.
And once more, in our time of crisis, the hand of friendship was offered to you:
Batman117 posted December 19, 2002 08:34 PM
Everyone get on as soon as you can.
That includes you Chant!!!
And how did you respond when you got to the new board?
Fri Dec 20 2002 05:25AM
It is I, Chant, the Madmailer who has come back to harass your lives you pitiful wouldbe heroes of the JLR-MB..
Ahh, another board another plan....... 
Not even a thank you…. 
And so it went, until the next adventure, JLR: The Convention Adventure, when…
Tue Mar 25 2003 02:50 PM
Meanwhile at Chant´s secret lair where the mailmaster of mayhem is working on the Chantmobile!! (a yellow postman bicycle actually)
Chant: I have grown tired of this behind the scene manipulation, I must have action, I must reinvent the papergolem, or perhaps rebuild my army of evil postal worker minions!!!
Narrator: Just then a couple of wires touch eachother and erupts into a huge explosion causing a rent in the time/space Continuum!! Out of this comes two lightning bolts, one black and one white, the black on strikes the floor turning into an as yet undisclosed form, and the white one strikes Chant in the head......
A couple of seconds later!!
Chant: what was that? I feel like 10 blacksmiths are using my head as an anvil! who am I, what am I, am I a Postman?? No, all this equipment, all these weapons, I must, I must be a SUPERHERO, placed on this world to battle against the evil and wicked and the stupendously stupid people!!
Narrator: The black bolt has turned into an incredible beautiful lady with a wicked look in her eyes
EvilGoddess: I am, in the real world, or as real as it gets!! A new world to wreack havoc upon, I´m free to kill all the little puny humans to do a......
Narrator: At that moment the EvilGoddess is struck behind the head and knocked to the ground by Chant, the Superhero whilst he strikes an impressive (or something akin to it) pose
Chant: Nay I say woman, hey, that rhymes! I Chant fighter for freedom and defender of the righteous shall defe.......
Narrator: Just then the EvilGoddess kicks Chant in the groin who buckles over in pain undescripable!!
EvilGoddess: goodbye little man, we shall not meet again, I shall find enemies of real mettle to test my powers against!!!
Narrator: She leaves, leaving Chant lying on the floor writhing in pain!!
Will Chant ever regain his memory? Is the EvilGoddess really a goddess? and why does a realistic way of avoiding taxes not exist? read more some other time!
And then you didn’t have the decency to join yourself, but through the JLR member AGW (formerly Any Given Wednesday):
Thu May 15 2003 10:34 AM
The JLR arm themselves and strike their fighting poses.
Dun-Like-Dinner: Chant, what're you doing here?
Chant: I've come to join the JLR in their never-ending battle against evil and tyranny, of course!
The JLR relax their poses.
Ace: But you're evil and tyranny.
The JLR re-strike their poses.
Chant: What're you talking about? I'm Chant, the Sworn Savior of...
JLR: .
Chant: Stamps.
(young) Nightwing [whispering into LM's ear]: J'onn detects no malice or trickery from Chant. The postmaster's intentions seem noble.
LM: J'onn told you?
(young): He's invisible.
LM: Ohhhhh...
Reggie: Umm... is Mr. Chant a member of your team.
LM: Yes, he is.
LM: He's a member of the team... for now. Chant's skills may actually prove useful, and besides, I'm still the leader so what I say goes .
Reggie: Well this is all very unorthodox, but I suppose we can allow it since it won't change your roster for the first fight.
JLR: still.
Reggie: You see, the maximum number of participants allowed in any battle is five. Since both teams possess more than five members, the fight rosters have been chosen at random.
Dun-Like-Dinner: Well, who's fighting?
Reggie: Robin, Impulse, Superboy, Empress, and Wondergirl versus Britannica, Harpy, Ace, Any Given Wednesday, and (young) Nightwing.
Dun-Like-Dinner: Well, that not--
Reggie: Oh, and your fight starts in 45 seconds.
JLR: Crap!
DLD: Well, good luck guys. By the way, why ARE you still wearing that tux, AGW?
AGW [shrugs]: Ummmmm, well you see it's very simple--
Somewhere else, both staring through THEIR OWN pairs of binoculars.
Alice: This is not good.
Beatrix: Not good at all.
Narrator: Even with their newest member, the JLR find their numbers suddenly cut in half. Can these five heroes of the JLR defeat some of Young Justice's most powerful members? Find out next post!
But none-the-less, you finally became a member of the JLR!
But alas, after a distinguished service of 4 pages, a convention and some training in the Room of Spirit and Time, your time with the JLR was up.
Mon Oct 27 2003 04:27 PM JLR: The Convention Adventure
The Ending
Narrator: The JLR stands victorious, they have won their most difficult battle yet. It was won using subterfuge, cunning and sheer violence.
Wednesday: Well, that was slightly different than usual.
LA Machine: Whatever do you mean?
Wednesday: Well, fighting Thor has really given me a perspective on life that I have not previously thought about.
Britannica: What is that?
Wednesday: No matter how big and strong you are, a good BFAAMS will always get the better of you!
Britannica: Word!
LA Machine: So, we all fought real heroes this time, and we all won, it seems….
Ace: well, geez, I’m sorry to hear that CJ, ummm, maybe you can get the fixed…or somethin´
Cowgirl Jack: Yes, fixes, yes. RM #552! Can you fix my boots? Oh pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease???
RM #552: I’m sorry CJ, but those boots are just ripped beyond repair, but don’t worry, they come with a warranty!
RM #552: Yes, a warranty, what’s so weird about that?
JLR: Ummm….nothin´
Britannica: While we’re at it. LA Machine, you looked a little confused after you fight with Giantman
LA Machine: I was just a little confused because last I notice we were still inside the room, and now we’re here.
Narrator: The rest of the JLR looked at each other, and then shrugged.
Ace: It happens man, don’t worry about it.
Cowgirl Jack: Uh, uh uh uh uh, how about you Chant, how did you defeat all those soldiers, I man, I don’t see any clones around here?
Chant: What makes you think that I’m not a clone?
Cowgirl Jack: well ummm….
Chant: don’t worry, I didn’t clone myself, I used a different method than the cloning thing.
Wednesday: Why?
Chant: I forgot how to clone myself!
LA Machine: That explains everything
Cowgirl Jack: Psst, hey Ace, let’s hope he never remembers
Britannica: Then how did you do it?
Chant: It’s a simple thing, I stood before all the soldiers, and it was getting rather embarrassing since I told them that they should wait until I had cloned myself.
JLR: yes, yes, go on!
Chant: Anyhoo, it didn’t work, I couldn’t clo….
Narrator: With a loud BANG, Mjolnir, the enchanted hammer of the Thunder God Thor hits Chant in the back of his head. Chant immediately gets up and picks up the hammer and turns around with a:
Chant: WHO DID THAT???
Narrator: Suddenly Chant straightens and gets a confused look in his eyes and smiles
Chant: Look, birdies…..and bells, they go ding dong all day long
Wednesday: ummm, are you alright mon?
Narrator: Suddenly Chant turns around and drops the hammer, he looks at the JLR with surprise.
Chant: THE JLR, Stand back you bloody do-gooders, or I shall have to destroy you!
Ace: Oh boy, here we go again!
Britannica: It seems like he is back to evil again
Cowgirl Jack: Well, it was bound to happen sometime
LA Machine: Ohh well, we better get ready to fight him
Midnight Spectre: He did lift the hammer of Thor, he must be very powerful now!
Narrator: Wednesday used his TK to pull a closet near Chant, Britannica pointed his toe at him, Cowgirl Jack made herself ready to charge, Ace pulled an ace, Midnight Spectre charged up his Golden Fist attack, RM #552 pointed a thingie at him and LA Machine created a vegi bomb to throw at him.
Chant: Hmmm, hey, ain´t that Charlton Heston?
Narrator: All as one the JLR turn their heads in the direction Chant pointed, and the Mailmaster of Mayhem makes his daring escape.
Wednesday: Bloody hell, he escaped, again.
Midnight Spectre: He always do, well, let us collect the prize money
So once more you became our arch-nemesis and gained the power of The Narrator and became The Chanterator.
But that’s a story for another day.
So. There you go Chant. The evidence speaks for itself.
You have certainly been hanging around the JLR since the DCMB days, but you were only a member for four pages in JLR: The Convention Adventure.
I rest my case.
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Ahh yes, but it appears that my elegant hints have failed to reach the point, your point! I had no quarrel with the matter of Chant joining the JLR in the Convention Adventure. I must, however, insist that a "first appearence" entry is added to the roster of the JLR indicating that Chant's first appearence on the stage of Fanfiction Parody was "In the Beginning" on the DC Message Board. Have a nice day 
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Brit, I'm inclined to agree with Chant on this one. Maybe we could fix him up with a speecial Arch-Nemesis heading or something?
And Centurion's off in another dimension anyhoo. So he's out the running as well.
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Well no one has ever accused me of being undemocratic. So Chant, please refer to the JLR Arch Ememy entry in the first post (after THE JLR Hall of (Justice) Famers and the JLR Roll Call. Enjoy  And Spandex, I guess that makes the Umber Hulk Leader. 
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Followed up with my own post to JLR vs the CSF
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I think we've finally managed to establish who's in charge of the group, with CJ's departure an' all. The answer? Absolutely nobody at all.
By the way, great set of posts. Ut's nice to finally see everyone getting a crack at the whip. By the way, when did MS2.0 and Ace last post?
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Good question. It's been a couple of weeks, but I've becoming quite the airhead lately...no job, no money (until the check clears at the end of the week), damaged contact lenses, limited access to computers (much less the Net), and just this morning I lost my cell phone. My family's gonna be thrilled to hear that last tidbit...
And to think, this all occurs in the aftermath of a potential modeling breakthrough...I can't say any more on that until October; it would violate the agreement.
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Well, my life has taken a turn for the busier recently. I'm working all the time and developing a short story and looking for a better job and keeping a girlfriend and making it to the gym on a regular basis, so if anyone wants to include my character into the story I'd be extremely thankful. I'll try and write a post when I can, but I hate to bring characters into the story and then ditch them because I don't have time to deal with D0GG's reintroduction anytime soon. If anyone decides to do it,the only thing to remember is that the Super Soaker 70thousands back pressure valve release has been damaged.
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Rock the vote!!
You've got until early Saturday morning to vote, and the results will not be visible until voting is closed. I'll unsticky the thread soon afterwards.
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Apparently, I can't post a poll at 4:45 in the morning to save my life, so if you voted in the first version before this post, vote again. If you're confused, the button at the bottom of the poll will let you know if you've voted.
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On the matter of the poll I think this should be an annual thing, where we pick a permanent leader for about a year, and then hold a new poll to determine the new boss.
By the way, Midnight Spectre, now you're back, POST A BIO!!!!!!!
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Just bein' bossy does not necessarily a good leader make.
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And what if we vote for a continuation of the rotating leadership, Spandex?
But yes I agree with you, if a leader is elected, then it should be an annual event.
We could include it as part of our anniversary celebrations.
But in the fairness of democracy, Spandex, please explain to us why you desire leadership of the JLR?
What skills and qualities can you bring to the JLR?
What are yur plans for the JLR if you are elected?
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That's a very fair question Brit, and one I don't object too.
Firstly, Spandex Monkey Man (the charcater) has many useful powers which would help in a variety of situations. His power-sensing ability for instance would be a godsend in corodinating attacks, and his ability to steal other people's powers could be a useful way of keeping discipline.
Also, he has a wide variety of other abilities, such as his computer skills, and can call on other sources of income (Marlon Red) and criminal connections (Rasta).
As for my plans for the JLR, I can say that I intend merely to shore up the cracks in our otherwise fine current suystem. This include keeping track of all current members, tracking down members that haven't posted for a while and encouraging new members to post on stories.
And on the matter of rotating leadership, that's cool too. I was just saying that if we do vote for a permanent leader, it should be a one-year only sort of a deal. And of the elader becomes too busy he can appoint deputies to ensure work is continued in his absence
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Discipline? The JLR?  you must be joking
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That being said, I feel like joining the discussion.
As Chessmaster seemingly is the best strategist, with powers best suited for teamwork, would he not be best for the leadership role?
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Ace said:
I'm working on my bio and for Ace and something to add to the story. I'm starting to get a bit confused at everything that's going on in the story though though....
Ah, feels just like the good old days, huh?
Sure, JQ, suuuuuuure....
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Britannica said:
Wednesday said:
Heh. Spandexboy.
<-- My post count is now the same as the year! Isn't that wonderful?!
God, I'm bored.
It's Wednesday from the future. All this time travel stuff is affecting the Talk Thread....
Yes... dork.
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Britannica said:
New Member posted December 06, 2002 07:07 AM
Britannica, You could´nt punch a Mosqitou offcourse....
hahahahahaha ...
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Britannica said:
Hope I didn't ruin anyone's future posts. But I've just added another post.
Um... CJ has left the adventure.
Got to her before I did, I see.
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Britannica said:
However this does not make Chant (the character) an automatic member of the JLR.
As was the case in the DCMB days, prior to becoming a member, posters were required to undertake a rigorous membership application process. Prior to your arrival on the scene two applicants had been rejected.
One, a certain Any Given Wednesday, who was more successful on his second attempt, and of course Space Tart, who applied for membership twice and was rejected both times (please note that Space Tart did not have an entry on the membership roster).
That's right! Y'all did reject me the first time, didn't you?!
Well, you know what? KISS MY GRITS !!!
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SpandexMonkeyMan said: I think we've finally managed to establish who's in charge of the group, with CJ's departure an' all. The answer? Absolutely nobody at all.
By the way, great set of posts. Ut's nice to finally see everyone getting a crack at the whip. By the way, when did MS2.0 and Ace last post?
Were you reading the same JLR vs. the CSF is was ?
I think it's pretty clear in the story that Britannica has taken the reigns. I got no idea how you could POSSIBLY read the last two posts and see otherwise.
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Stupid Dogg said: Well, my life has taken a turn for the busier recently. I'm working all the time and developing a short story and looking for a better job and keeping a girlfriend and making it to the gym on a regular basis, so if anyone wants to include my character into the story I'd be extremely thankful. I'll try and write a post when I can, but I hate to bring characters into the story and then ditch them because I don't have time to deal with D0GG's reintroduction anytime soon. If anyone decides to do it,the only thing to remember is that the Super Soaker 70thousands back pressure valve release has been damaged.
Dogg, I'd gladly write you in. I think you're a great writer and an asset to the team (I'm jealous). But ya gotta understand that we've seen a lot of promises that look just like your post, and often it takes a long time (if ever) before we ever see high tail of that person again.
From the looks of things the JLR should be in the Big City for a while. You should have plenty of time to do what ya gotta do. We understand that life gets busy, though, and personally I can't wait to see you and your Super Soaker join our team.
On that note, if someone else writes you in, I'll honor that when I make posts, as I think everyone here would be inclined to do. We're pretty good about keeping other people's posts in continuity, no matter how little sense they make or go against our plans in general.
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Fused said: Just bein' bossy does not necessarily a good leader make.

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Fused said:
Brit in '04!
Yeah, why not. He's always here anyway...
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Fused said:
Just bein' bossy does not necessarily a good leader make.
Vote for mother $%&%^ Fused in '04, or I'll #@! the %@#$ outta ya!
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SpandexMonkeyMan said:
That's a very fair question Brit, and one I don't object too.
Firstly, Spandex Monkey Man (the charcater) has many useful powers which would help in a variety of situations. His power-sensing ability for instance would be a godsend in corodinating attacks, and his ability to steal other people's powers could be a useful way of keeping discipline.
Also, he has a wide variety of other abilities, such as his computer skills, and can call on other sources of income (Marlon Red) and criminal connections (Rasta).
As for my plans for the JLR, I can say that I intend merely to shore up the cracks in our otherwise fine current suystem. This include keeping track of all current members, tracking down members that haven't posted for a while and encouraging new members to post on stories.
And on the matter of rotating leadership, that's cool too. I was just saying that if we do vote for a permanent leader, it should be a one-year only sort of a deal. And of the elader becomes too busy he can appoint deputies to ensure work is continued in his absence
His character's got even more shit up his sleeve than Kung-Fu Midnight in an adamantium jacket. MonkeyMan in '04!
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Chant said:
Discipline? The JLR?
you must be joking
Chant in...
Never mind.
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Chant said:
That being said, I feel like joining the discussion.
As Chessmaster seemingly is the best strategist, with powers best suited for teamwork, would he not be best for the leadership role?
You probably threw him in a locker back in high school. YOU OWE HIM !
Vote Chessmaster 9000.3 in '04!
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Wednesday said:
SpandexMonkeyMan said: I think we've finally managed to establish who's in charge of the group, with CJ's departure an' all. The answer? Absolutely nobody at all.
By the way, great set of posts. Ut's nice to finally see everyone getting a crack at the whip. By the way, when did MS2.0 and Ace last post?
Were you reading the same JLR vs. the CSF is was ?
I think it's pretty clear in the story that Britannica has taken the reigns. I got no idea how you could POSSIBLY read the last two posts and see otherwise.
That's agood point, actually. It's been a while since I posted that though, so I can't remember what I was thinking.
By the way, could somebody post to the story I would, but I haven't got any good ideas at the moment
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I think we should vote for a puppet leader... like Kermit the Frog. Oh, wait. He's a muppet. Nevermind.
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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Sure Wednesday, suuuuuuuuure
Racks be to MisterJLA
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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By golly, Ace, the Gambit one is better...
A long time ago, Ace said:
I'm working on my bio and for Ace and something to add to the story. I'm starting to get a bit confused at everything that's going on in the story though though....
Ah, feels just like the good old days, huh?
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Your death will make me king! 15000+ posts
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Chant said: Sure Wednesday, suuuuuuuuure
And on that note, Future Times is on the very bottom of page one.
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fudge 4000+ posts
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Racks be to MisterJLA