
SpandexMonkeyMan said:

Wednesday said:
Technically, Marlon is not a member. Neither are TTT, SpandexMonkeyMan, Nuriko, or Tommy, since they have not been inducted into the JLR in the story. Those characters would fall under the heading of "ally," oh mistaken leader.

And none of them are protected .

If you touch Marlon or Spandex I'll hit you so hard you'll be sucking your food through an itty-bitty straw,

How ya gonna do that? Steal another power from some unheard of metahuman in another state!

On that note (but not really), you can't steal Wednesday's powers (though you already have) since he's not, technically, a metahuman. I've intentionally left the origin of his power(s) foggy, so it's not a big deal. Besides, if Rogue can steal Juggernaut's strength, I suppose anything can be loop-holed.