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Wednesday said: Okay, we've been dancing around this issue for a while now. Time to address this thing like only a self-righteous bunghole like myself can. Let it be said:
SpandexMonkeyMan, nobody likes your character.
And here are the three big reasons why:
1. Your character is waaaay too powerful.
When you first got here you posted that your character's power was that he could steal any metahuman's power. That in itself is fine. There have been characters like that before--Rogue and Parasite spring to mind. However, everyone here soon discovered that there was one slight difference between your character and the two I just listed: SMM could steal powers from any meta-human... anywhere.
Let's think about this for a moment. Your character can steal powers from an unlimited number sources at any time, without a single consequence. He was a one-man army who could pull every flavor of shit out of his ass at any time. SpandexMonkeyMan was, as Fused put it, uber, when introduced.
Why would anyone else here want to write someone like that? He was so powerful he could defeat any enemy that the rest of the JLR could even hope to face... all without breaking a sweat.
Vegi-beast? No problem, I'll just use anti-flower power from some guy in Wisconsin.
Your team's got a magician? No problem, there's this girl in France... and now I have the meta-human power of magic faster than you can say "Presto Change-O!"
An evil angel who wants to destroy the world? *Yawn* This'll just take a minute. You guys just sit this one out.
Yeah sure, we've got other potentially powerful characters on the team, but they all come with a catch. Centurian depends on a pair of dice which are random. Wednesday's powers fluctuate weekly. In both cases both characters can find themselves at the top of the power chain or at the very bottom, and neither can really do a damned thing about it. In addition, Centurian doesn't have control over every beast, monster, and warrior he can summon. Wednesday never knows what his new power will be or is until the situation calls for it, and then it's a matter of luck. He's also not the most noble guy around. These are in-built weeknesses that make the characters interesting (in my opinion). And trust me, though Darren Messenger is very powerful (much like (young) Nightwing was) I'm giving him one heckuva weak spot that I hope will prove even more interesting than Wednesday's.
SMM had no such weakness. We told you that... eventually, so you changed his powers:
"The cunning of Batman, The Wings of Archangel, The Seismic Variation of Atom Smasher, The Elasticity of Mr. Fantastic, The Super-Speed of The Flash and the intangibility of The Vision! The only frustrating thing about his powers is that he can only use one at a time, and so can't, say, run at super speed whilst intangible."
Each of these powers is more than enough in itself, but now he can call on any one at any time! He can only use one at a time, you say and that's a start. However, this doesn't change the fact that SMM is still at a power level rivalled only by the likes of Superman, and even he would have trouble with someone who could fly, turn intangible, run at Flash-speed, and use the cunning of Batman whenever he likes. And before you think it, Martian Manhunter doesn't have seismic variation powers. Also, he still has zero shortcomings. Again, think about this. You've downgraded him, but still worked to keep him miles above the rest of us.
This is why SMM has been written out of every action sequence since his arrival.
Don't worry, this was the long point.
That's a good point, and one that now it's been brought to my attention I will deal with it. But, just one question. How do I make him original?
Rather like my character's old powers, most of my ideas have been garnered from stealing somebody else's ideas and then taking out the crappy bits. The original concept was modelled on Captain Marvel (DC), but unfortunately my own slant on this resulted in an imbalance. Now, I'm stuck with thinking up weaknesses based on this idea (by trhe way, I've slightly modified that list now. See here for the new list). So, I return to my original inspiration for the character, and I find no weaknesses in Captain Marvel that I can use (the whole turning into Billy Batson thing isn't really an option here). So, where too from here?
Naturally, I turn to the DC universe's best team, and my personal favourite, the JSA. Looking at the list of the most relevant heroes to my character, we still have a problem:
Sentinel: The whole vulnerable-to-wood thing is a crappy weakness. It seems to me like they thought up a random weakness and used it cos they couldn't come up with a better one (a common flaw with the Green Lanterns. Hands up who thought that the yellow thing was dumb?)
Dr Fate: This guy's at least as powerful as Spandex, and nobody bats an eyelid. What weaknesses has the master of magic got?
Black Adam: Taking into account his background, the only weakness Black Adam has is that he's a bit of an arrogant git.
I can't honestly say that I could compare Spandex to anybody else on the roster, so I'm still left with a problem. Then, I have an idea. We rotate the powers! But Wednesday's already done this, I'm gonna look like an asshole if I use it...
So, how to deal with this? As I've mentioned, I'm thinking of rotating his powers like Wednesday's do, but I want to do this in an at leats vaguely original way, so we don't have too many people with similar powers on the team.
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Wednesday said: 2. He's a bossy turd.
This is my slightly-less-unPC way of saying he's an asshole. In your very first story post, SMM showed up and immediately began bossing Wednesday and Ace around. In your most recent post, SMM called Wednesday the leader and immediately called a team meeting which he presided over with an iron fist. "Liberally sticking the boot in to get the JLR off their backsides, Spandex finally gets the meeting under way." That may make you feel good but from the outside it look like just another SMM glorifying post.
Wednesday hasn't been your only victim, though. The entire JLR has been smacked by His Lord Majesty SMM. Do you really think the rest of us want to deal with a character that scorns our own and does his best to make the rest of us look like idiots? Don't get me wrong, the rest of us are fine and dandy with our characters looking bad--that's always been a part of the JLR's shtick--but not when it's done for the sole purpose of making SMM look good.
The JLR doesn't need someone to waltz in and become its problem solver. This is a team thing, not an SMM thing.
Now, as far as being the team's chief asshole is concerned, Wednesday is your only real competitor, methinks. That's due, in part, to the fact that I am an asshole. I'm so much of one, in fact, that I'm gonna use my own character to illustrate how a character can be the right kind of asshole...
The difference is that, while Wednesday can be a big, gaping asshole at times (see my most recent post to the story), he's an asshole for the sake of comedy, not for the sake of making himself look good. He's an asshole drowning in his own flaws.
(I don't think I've ever typed the word "asshole" so many times in one sitting.)
Which leads me to the last thing...
3. He's written as a man who can do no wrong.
Wednesday is, quite often, about as wrong as wrong can be in his choices. His self-centered attitude gets him in trouble 9/10ths of the time. He thinks he's great but that couldn't be further from the truth, and that works for our stories. Yeah, he does come off as looking real cool sometimes, but that's usually followed shortly after by him looking real bad.
But he's not the only character that's looked bad at times. Chant is probably the best of us at poking fun at his own character. Chant can fumble the ball just like anyone else, perhaps better. Fused, TTT, and Dogg do an excellent job of balancing the good with the bad in their characters. They're more than ready to laugh at themselves. Because of this, their characters come off as three-dimensional, and because of that these character come off as interesting.
But SMM is practically faultless. Does anyone really like that? Just ask the guys who write Superman. They constantly have to work against the perfection of their character to make him interesting (and they often fail miserably). Just ask the guys who write JL and JLA. Superman's constantly being downplayed to fit him into the team schematic. Just ask any of us who had to write MS during his (young) Nightwing days. Now that was a guy who got very little time in the light (until later).
To respond to you second point first, I've tried to balance Spandex's character, drawing attention to his less heroic facets in an attempt to point out just what a git he is. Maybe this was the wrong tack to take, but it's what I tried and I can't do anythign else now because having undergo a radical change of character mid-story wouldn't work.
And as for Wednesday's 'asshole-for-comedy' solution, being English I struggle to write the same kind of humour as the rest of you. In terms of comedy, I'm a satirical kind of person, so making a joke of Spandex's flaws (and there are hundreds, believe me) is difficult for a person who can't write that sort of comedy.
Spandex is not written as a character who can do no wrong. He deliberately gloated over Islington at his death, treats the others as inferior due to an intellectual snobbery of quite vast proportions, and (this will come along later) has the lousiest temper you've ever seen. Hardly perfect, I think.
To respond to the idea of him being an asshole, that was a response to the likes of Wonder Woman and Batman, who act like they know best all the damn time and have a decidedly superior attitude. In fact, Batman was probably where I drew most of my major influences from in terms of character.
I don't want to glorify this asshole. That was never my intention. It's just that, well, I think the team needs some-one who will get them off their asses and out to work, otherwise they'd do nothing. With Brit currently out of action there's nobody to pull this off, so Spandex had to step up to the task. Unfortunately he's written as an asshole, so he comes across very badly. Do you see my problem?
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Okay, guys. I've been thinking of an answer to this problem and I can now say I have one. Basically put, Spandex is gonna die. I basically thought 'sod it' and decided to kill him off. If any of you guys wanna do it that's cool, but I'm gona kill him and start over with a different character that has the same name
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Or not. I'm still ironing out a few kinks in his character overhaul via Chant, but as a whole the change is waiting for Darren Messenger.
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I never found your character to be difficult to write because I figured I could have fun making up powers, even with the angelic abilities. But when you can make up powers willy nilly you can make a character immortal and invulnerable, which makes the character suck. It's the reason I don't like Superman: too many powers, not enough weaknesses. you need to think of better weaknesses than using-only-1-power-at-a-time. Hell, even Superman has magic and vampires in addition to kryptonite. That makes me wonder why they don't have more magical based villians for him...
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Probably cos Superman is meant to be uber powerful. But yeah, I don't want that. So somehow, I'm gonna slim Spandex's powers down to a rotational power based on 'The Wasteland', an area where comic series that get cancelled go. Only problem with that is that I'm not really au fait with that area. If anybody can think of any good ones, send them over. And characters who appear in other people's series as guests do count, so don't worry about that
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Pipe down, you! You'll get your turn.
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I just want to say that, despite TTT's ability to travel through (and potentially manipulate) time, he is bound by an android's lack of human imagination.
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Sort of. Don't write him the same way as you'd write Data, though.
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Well, I now have a new idea for Spandex, which is gonna kick in with the Switcher (Chant's villainous contraption, in case anybody's forgotten). Basically, he's gonna lose his powers, so he's stuck with using some sort of super-powered suit. Or maybe something like current JSA's Sand, where he has maybe one fairly average power and has some kind of cool hardware
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how do YOU know what the switcher is?
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I don't. But I'm guessing that it's gonna have some kind of switching effect.
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He doesn't know. I told him the switcher would give him the perfect excuse for a power revamp.
Your secret is safe wit' me.
Oh... PM.
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SpandexMonkeyMan said:
Basically, he's gonna lose his powers, so he's stuck with using some sort of super-powered suit. Or maybe something like current JSA's Sand, where he has maybe one fairly average power and has some kind of cool hardware
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Wednesday, that's pretty good stuff. Can't say I enjoyed it, but that's just a matter of my personal taste. And the matter of a girl committing suicide becuase of the pictures was a bit melodramatic, but everything from there made sense.
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Thanks, but I think I accidentally posted an older, uncorrected version.
I'll have to check on that...sometime.
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Deleted it for now. I realized what I posted was the very first revision after I received the initial story from my co-writer. What can I say? I was in a rush when I put it up.
I'll have to ask him if he has the very last revision I sent him.
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Oh I see how it is guys. You don't come here for months on end and suddenly you're written out of all the stories? Fine forget you then.
Nah just kidding. I even added I little post to the story! Not much but hey what do ya want from me?
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all the posts seem to be making SMM the official team bitch.
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Ace said: Oh I see how it is guys. You don't come here for months on end and suddenly you're written out of all the stories? Fine forget you then.
Nah just kidding. I even added I little post to the story! Not much but hey what do ya want from me?
does anybody else see that, or is it just me?
seriously, cuz i'm freaking out over here!
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see what? and why do you have a blank quote box? 
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Who are you talking to, Dogg? 
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the sock puppet on my penis.
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My penis' name is Sherman.
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yes, I bet it is 
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sooo, while I'm sure all of you have great ideas to what is going to happen in the story, I'd like to call dips on the switcher. I have an idea for what it does, so I'd like to introduce it into the story when the time comes.
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This'll learn me never to walk into a talktread halfway through a conversation...  Hey guys! I'm back!!!  Missed you guys terribly. How's everyone been? New adventure I see? Made a little post. Hope it didn't muck anything up too much. Anyhoo, glad to be back. Looking forward to Lending out some Justice! JLR ASSEMBLE!!!!! 
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heh, I got there first 
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Dont make me repost my Switcher post.
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