
SpandexMonkeyMan said:
We do actually have a lottery over here, y'know.

Okay NOW you're just making stuff up.


SpandexMonkeyMan said:
On a more fun note, I intend to post to Weapons shortly (within the next three days or so) in order to fully establish new look Spandex Monkey Man. I know I've probably spent more time than is fair focusing on just my guy, but hey, we've established that he needed to change and I'm changing him, I hope nobody minds

I'm hoping Brit shows back up and develops whatever he had planned for his own return. That's why I stopped the story where I did.

And hecks no we don't mind you focusing on your character (well, I don't anyways). I don't think any of us really have any room to angry about that.

On that note, I hope to get to Darren Messenger soon. I'm not really in any rush, though. We're still on page one, after all.