Magic. She mostly uses Pied Piper (the ability to hypnotise through song) Healing, Channeling and Dream walking (the ability to bi-locate [Remove her soul completely from her body], to astral project [her dream self leaves her body] and the abilty to control the astral realm.). However, when she split her adventurous side (Annilation) from her old dorky self (Aislinn Jayne Lujan, but also known as AJ, or Jay) she also made it so that Annilation had most of the magic power. She can access it at any time. Jay is the ying yang between her old self (Aislinn) and her wild side, Annilation.
If Annilation is allowed to much control, she would turn supervillian, and do it way too well (she even has the "Top 100 Things I'd Do as an Evil Overlord" in her favorites (no kidding, look here Chant seems to have Annilation in the bag (sock, whatever) so things will pretty interesting from here on in. If separated from Annilation for too long, (and let's say too long is a week) Jay will begin to take on the whimplike traits of her former self.
If Jay doen't access Annialtion, her powers are Extreme Luck (both good and bad, so her car will break down, but a friend with a car will pass by that road a few minutes later), and she can do small time stuff like card reading, glamour (changing her appearence [without Annilation it lasts for five minutes]) and a 'sense of danger'(she knows when something bad is going to happen, but it could be as mild as not getting what she wanted on a order at Mc Donalds ["I asked for two apple pies, not a Sundae] to really bad ["We're going to die. Tell my sisters that they are all pains in my ass."]) .
She chose to call herself Jay Orin, first as a nomme de plumme, then as a super hero monicer.
Damn, I didn't even breath when I typed that out. I'm usually that mouthy. Ask Wednesday, he had two classes with me, the poor man.