(The members of JLR are lying about the Barnyard of Justice, wondering if Chant is still alive, how long prison bars will hold Mr. Misinformation, and what Buttercup ate for dinner.....)
DLD- Open a window! That is DEE-Sgusting!
yNW- My focus during meditation is undaunted.......but I'm sorry, I have to stop. That is rancid, Buttercup. For shame on you!
La Machine- Okay, mail guys.
(Everyone huddles around)
La machine- Cowgirl?
CJ- Here.
This came for you. I think it's those rocket spurs you ordered a week ago.
CJ- Sweet. Buttercup, you eat those oats again, I'll try these out on you.
LM- Ace?
Ace- Yeah.
LM- WOW!!! Congratulations!! You just won a million dollars!!
Ace- Nonono.
LM- That's amazing! What are you gonna do? Go on a cruise or something?
Ace- No, Machine...
LM- Maybe you can fix this dump up here...
Ace- Machine. It's a scam. It's not real.
LM-.......well why would you say that? It says it right here in pink letters you won a million dollars.
Ace- It's a money scam. Junk mail.
LM- ........I see the problem......... I think someone is selling himself short because he doesn't think he DESERVES the money. Hey, chin up there little guy. Good things happen to good people.
Ace-..............It's like talking to a fire hydrant. (snatches letter)
Brit- La Machine. What's that last letter there?
LM- uhhhh (opens it) whoa. uhhh. This is all Greek to me.
Brit- What's it say?
LM- Something about.....a convention......."meeting of the heroes.........pitting team against team........" something about a JuuuLahhh?
Brit- A what?
LM- A Julah? I think?
Ace- Maybe it would help to read it right side up.
LM- Shut up, dick! It is. It says we can meet teams including the very popular Julah. Look it's spelled j-l-a.
(Everyone else) JLA!!!!!
DLD- Give me that!!! (snatches letter) We have all been invited to attend a super-team convention! There's gonna be a contest in Santa Monica....Avengers, JLA, JSA, Outsiders, Authority...tons of superteams facing up against each other in a contest for charity!
LM- Kinda like celebrities on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire??? I love Regis!
Ace- (hands him a puzzle) Go play with this.
LM (walking away; to himself)- "Izzatcha final ansahh!"
Brit- Do you guys realize what this means??? We have a chance to make the big leagues! Well, what are we waiting for? Pack up!!