We interrupt this thread to bring you a message from one of your six moderators...

Hey, guys! Hope you're enjoying your stay here at Hero HQ v. 2.0! If there's anything that can be done to make your stay more pleasant... talk to Rob.

At any rate, I'm assuming that since you opened up a new thread that it was safe to close out your last story. If this isn't the case and you want it reopened, stop by the current Hero Revolution talk thread (should have [Hero] somewhere in the thread title) and let myself or one of the other mods know that you want it opened. Also, when you come to the end, just let one of us know and we can close your threads out if you want. It's not essential, but it helps provide closure, if you know what I mean... [wink]

That having been said, we hope you're having fun posting here and, on behalf of the others, thanks for joining us! This board gets kinda lonely sometimes and it's nice to have two groups hanging around as opposed to just one... [wink]

~ Chewy Walrus