At the Convention in California a huge gathering of superheroes is taking place!!! or is there???
Chant: Now listen my loyal supressed underlings, I want all the teams to be correct, that means that you must all be with the ones that belong to your teams.....I know the costumes are little tight and.....Hey, you with the hammer, yes you "Thor", you are not with the JSA, you are with the Avengers....LOOK, I know you are just Evil postal worker minion types, but can you at least try to act like heroes, the JLR is going to be here any time soon and I want the trap to be perfect.....I did´nt go through all this trouble of capturing the real superteams just so you can mess it all up!!!
Evil postal worker minion types: Yessir postmaster Chief!!!!
Chant: That´s good, Now, I want The Fantastic Four to stay the at the hotel over there, that means Mr. Fantastic, Thing, Human Torch and Invisible Woman.....
Invisible Woman: How come I get to be the woman???
Chant: because you look like her the most Jeff, you know, with the beard and all!!! And I want the Avengers at the Bar over there.....Ironman, is that paper armour holding together??? The JLA over there...aaaannnddd.....The X-men in the basement.......Whom am I missing???....Oh yes.....Defenders at the Library and JSA at the townhall.....The legion should be at the auto chop shop...and the.....Wildcats?????......You can be at the dogkennel....get it???? WildCATS...DOGkennel???? Teen Titans should be at the Kindergarten and Alpha Flight at the Museum....Is that all???? Great, now all we have to do is wait for the JLR....
Bill Clinton: You sure you want to do this Chant???
Chant: Shut up Billyboy or I´ll have dressed up as catwoman!!!!
BC: ehhhhh!!
Chant: Good, real good, maybe I´ll have dressed up anyway!!!....I know that you had George Bush elected President to suit your own needs, I know he is working for you, so don´t be insolent little man, Or I will tell everyone about you affair with that Lewinsky lady!!!
BC: A little to late for that, everybody knows that allready!!!
Chant: ohhhh!!....Well, anyhoo, just be quit!!!
Narrator: Will The JLR realize the trap, Is Bill Clinton really an evil Mastermind and does Jeff with the beard really look like Invisible Woman??